Page 4 of Vows In Corruption

From the looks of things all of Chicago is hiring, because there are job listings for almost everything.

Dog walker.


Personal masseuse.

That last one makes me roll my eyes and gag at the same time.

Who the hell looks for a personal masseuse on a public job board? It’s both crazy and disgusting.

Not wanting to apply for that one specific job, I scroll away and try to look for something else.

A bunch of listing pop up that I meet the minimum requirements for, so I apply to all that I can.

There is even a barista position that is open at a coffee shop a few blocks away that I apply to. I may hate the smell of coffee but I would suck it up for a steady paycheck. I’m not going to be picky at this point.

After about two hours of looking through the listing and applying to anything that I’m able to, fourteen applications in total, I’m about to give up for the night.

Surely one of the positions that I applied for will turn into something. At the very least an interview.

I should go to bed, since I have a shift at the restaurant that I work at in the morning, but apparently my mind and hand have a different idea as I click on the next page of jobs.

Some of the jobs that pop up on the page are similar to the one I found on the previous pages or adds from something else.

Nothing seems overly interesting.

That is until I scroll to the very bottom.

An assistant position at Lane Enterprises.

No freaking way.

This one of the most perigees companies in Chicago, and they’re hiring?

Holy shit.

I don’t even take a second to think about it, I click on the listing so damn fast that if it was any faster I’m sure my finger would have gone through the keyboard.

As soon as the post loads, I read through it and then read through it again.

I meet all the requirements.

They want a master’s degree in business? I have that.

They want someone that is enthused to work? Hell, I’m very enthused.

Ready through the description of the job, I start to think that this is my dream job.

It doesn’t state if it’s entry level, but it also doesn’t state that experience is required. This is absolutely perfect and what I’ve been looking for.

Before I hit the button to apply, I check the time stamp on the listing. A few of the jobs that I found tonight were posted almost a year ago and not active whatsoever. So I want to make sure that I can actually still apply for this job and have it go somewhere.

When I see that the listing was posted only three weeks ago and is about to close, I let out a sigh of release.

I can still apply. So without much thought, that’s what I do.

For the next fifteen minutes, I fill out the whole application, add my resume and my cover letter and read over it about five times before I find the courage to hit submit.