Which is ironic, since I’m on the verge of being murderous if Gerald doesn’t make his retirement announcement soon hand me the title that will have me running my father’s baby.
“No, sir. Not yet. There is still scholarships available.”
“Good. I have a candidate that needs to be put up for consideration.”
I’ve officially been Bennett Lane assistant for a whole two weeks and I truly don’t know how to feel.
I’m excited about the job, don’t get me wrong and I actually like it a lot more than I thought I was going to, but I didn’t think that handling someone life was going to be so draining.
He was right when he told me that there was going to be days where I’m going to want to quit and two full weeks in and I’ve already had three days where I wanted to cry.
Not because of Bennett though. Not fully anyways.
As far as bosses go, he’s one of the best ones that I’ve had and I’ve had more than my fair share of nasty bosses. Bennett is definitely a hard ass at times, he’s very meticulous about how he likes to file things, and on more than one occasion I’ve rolled my eyes at his demands, like his ridiculous lunch order, but he is easy to work with and for.
The tears threaten to come because some of the executives at this company can be brutal with their words. In the two weeks that I’ve worked here, I’ve attended a few meetings with Bennett to take notes, and whenever a senior employee is in attendance, I’m getting brought down at any given moment.
I can’t get someone coffee order right? I’m incompetent.
I can’t find a document fast enough? I’m a waste of time and space.
If I ask question about something that I don’t understand? I should have never been hired and fired on the spot.
Bennett has defended me each and every time, even got into screaming matches with the person voicing the jabs, but no matter how much he defended me, hearing those things hurt. Every time an insult came my way, I wanted to bow my head and walk out of the room and cry.
I didn’t though. I didn’t walk away. I took every single insult and continued to do my work the way Bennett told me to do. Which is was a big fuck you to the senior employee.
Though every time I see Peter Hill, the senior executive that apparently hate Bennett from what I can tell and hates me in association, I cower a little waiting for him to bring me down once more.
I hate that I do it. Maybe with time, I will grow enough back bone to not let his words get to me as much as they have and I will be able spew hate, that doesn’t get me fired back. Hopefully it will happen soon, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
For now, it’s the start of week three of this new job and it’s already starting a bit crazy and the craziness has nothing to do with work.
As I was riding my third train in the morning to get to work, I got a bank notification. One that stated that a deposit has hit my bank account. I usually wouldn’t question a deposit, I’m all for more money in my bank account, but when the amount that hit my account is the same as what I paid for Charlie’s first semester at Saint Christopher, my signing bonus, panic flowed through my body.
I tried to call the school as soon as I saw the notification to figure out what the hell happened, but of course my phone decided that was the perfect time to not have service. I did think about going to the school directly, but then I was going to be late for work and even though Bennett is affable with a lot of things, I doubt this would be one of them.
So I ran to the office, thank god I wore flats today instead of my discounted heels, and the second I land in my desk chair, I grab my office phone and call my sister’s school.
As I try to catch my breath, I look over at the time and see that I have ten minutes before my day officially starts. Good.
Thankfully my call is answered right way and within seconds I’m directed to the financial department and I tell them the situation.
It takes longer to get a response than it was to get someone to answer the phone.
“All right, Ms. Vincent. I looked dover Charlotte’s account and it looks like the reason that your money was returned because the balance was over paid.”
My eyebrows don’t hesitate shooting up. “Over paid? How? I only made that one payment.”
“Hmm, let me check.”
How can her balance be overpaid? There wasn’t enough money in my account for the balance to be over paid. And if it was over paid, why wasn’t the payment applied to the next semester.
“It looks like the scholarship that Charlotte received has taken into affect. So that trigger the over payment and you getting a refund.”