Her eyes get sad at my words, but she nods un understanding.
Death is always a difficult subject. Especially when you wish it never comes, but it’s one of those things of life that just happens.
From a young age, I always knew that I needed to plan for when my death came. That’s one of the thing that my parents taught me, to prepare for the worst. To make sure everything is line before something bad happens to me and my family is left with nothing.
Nine years ago, I added the kids to the estate, leaving almost everything to them. But now that Ella and Charlie are here to stay and are now a part of our family until the end of time, I needed to make some changes. Now more than ever.
Peter Hill is taken care of, but there are plenty of people out there that are just like him, that will want to come after me or my family and I need to be prepared.
“What changes did you make?” Ella asks, doing a quick scan of the papers I gave her.
I don’t answer her. I just let her continue reading the paperwork.
When she looks up at me and starts shaking her head, I know she found it.
“You’re not leaving me fifty percent of your fortune.” She shakes her head again as if doing so is going to change the outcome. She’s cute when she gets like this, a with anything else, I would appease her, but not with this.
If it weren’t for the kids, she would be getting a lot more than fifty percent. She is also getting all my shares of Lane Enterprises.
Sensing that she is seconds away from freaking out, I place my hands on either side of her face and stop the shaking, making her looking to my eyes. “Too late. It’s already done. If anything is to ever happen to me, you are taken care of. For life.”
Tears start to form in her eyes, but she does her best to not let them fall.
“Can I reject it?” She lets out, almost defeated.
I can’t help but to smirk at her. “Sure, but only after you are taken care of.”
Not being able to help myself, I place a chaste kiss on her lips before I pull back.
“I also took care of Charlie. A trust fund is set up in her name.”
A small gasp leaves her and it takes her a second to formulate words to speak. “Why would you do that?”
“Because she’s family. And all of my family deserves to be taken care of. I did it for all the kids, and if any other kids come in the future, they will get the same treatment.”
As she looks up at me, her eyes gleam with love. I think she is just now realizing that I meant what I said. This is real between us. No more agreement. No more timeline. Just fucking love that neither one of us wants to let go.
I married her to get the CEO title, but I will stay married to her forever, because she is it for me. She is the one woman that changed my perspective on marriage. The one woman that has captured my attention from day one.
“You want more kids?” She asks, a small smile playing on her lips.
“There was a point where I didn’t. I already had four that talked back, I couldn’t imagine more of them, but now, with you, I think it would be nice to have children of my own.”
Another kiss lands on lips. “Maybe we can add one more.”
“However many you want.”
She smile so bright, it lights up the whole room.
“Thank you,” she lets out, shifting until her arms are around my waist and her head is resting against my chest.
“For saying yes to more kids?” I say through a small chuckle, wrapping my arms around her.