Page 138 of Vows In Corruption

That’s why he hasn’t been as vocal about taking Bennett out as CEO, because he has been planning to take him down behind the scenes.

He couldn’t do it as a Lane Enterprises employee, so he decided to do it for himself, hoping that everything will work out in his favor and the title would fall to him.

Bennett was right. Peter Hill is a conveying bastard.

And Marisela is right there next to him if she is helping him with this.

“How did you even know about the call that Peter put out?” I ask, trying to piece everything together.

Marisela turns to face me, giving me another smirk. “Just because I’ve been in hiding for years, doesn’t mean that I don’t keep tabs on people. The man that took my children away from me has been at the top of that list for years. So when his name popped up, I took hold of the opportunity. I would be dumb not to. And when Peter found out my own personal connection with Bennett, he was excited to get started.”

Her own personal connections.

Something clicks in my mind.

“You were the one behind the number, weren’t you? The one that kept calling him?”

Please say no. Please say that it wasn’t you.

The way she grins tells me everything that I need to know. She was behind it, and she has no regrets about it.

“Of course, it was me. I had to get little Bennett’s attention somehow, what better way than and number that would trace back to his brother.”

“You’re a cruel bitch.”

She closes the distance between us and once more, runs her finger along the length of my face. “Honey, you haven’t seen cruel. That was just me getting started.”

I’m able to pull away enough from her to let her finger fall, but even with the distance, I can still feel her skin against mine as if it were burned to my flesh.

As much as I don’t want to hear what her and Hill had planned for Bennett, I have to keep Marisela talking.

“What’s in it for you? If you succeed in taking down Bennett. Hill gets the title of CEO but what do you get?”

The first thing that comes to mind is the kids.

They are old enough to truly see their mother for who she really is, but what if she goes to them and starts manipulating them until they think that Bennett is the bad guy in all of this instead of her.

Her children are the only logical thing that I could think of her wanting. Especially if she has the mindset that Bennett took her children away from her.

The bitch hold be fucking grateful that he took them in and raised them as if they were his own. Not a lot of twenty-two year olds would have done that.

“What I get is a little more complicated. Where Peter’s part of the deal is a little more straight forward, mine comes in sections.”

I know that I’m going to regret asking, but I have to know. “How?”

Marisela looks down at her nails as if she is bored out of her mind. “The plan was fairly simple. We take out Bennett first, and since you are now married, you would be next followed by Henry. That way the only individuals that were left were my kids and all the family fortune would fall to them. Peter gets CEO and every company that the Lane family owns, and I would do everything in my power to repair my relationship with my kids and we’d be the richest and powerful family around.”

I hate this woman.

I hate her so fucking much.

Just the thought of her using her four kids to get the money that is meant for them and them alone, makes me sick. They deserve more than a mother that is going to use them. They deserve to have a mother that will for them, to help them through life and to love them wholeheartedly, and Marisela will never be that.

For the first time since I met her, I feel bad for Marisela.

She will never get to know the amazing humans that her children have become.

She will never know that Elliot loves to explore the world and helping people in need.