Page 124 of Vows In Corruption

“Where is who?” The question comes out from through my teeth.

The snotty bitch has the audacity to roll her eyes at me like I’m the problem.

“Bennett. Where is Bennett?” She asks, sounding irritated that she even has to asks such a ridiculous question.

I bring out the sweetest customer service voice that I have as I respond. “Mr. Lane isn’t in at the moment, but if you would like to wait for him, you are more than welcomed to do so downstairs in the lobby. Or set up an appointment for another day.”

I don’t know who this woman is but that doesn’t stop me from running through Bennett’s schedule in my head, even though I was working on it not even an hour ago, trying to remember if he had a meeting at this time that the both of us completely missed. I may have only been on the job for half a year and definitely have missed things in the past, but this isn’t one of them.

The only thing that he had was Gerald. Nobody else was scheduled to come in today, unless I missed it completely, but I don’t think that I did.

The woman rolls her eyes again before taking a seat on the couch.

“I’ll just wait for him here.” She throws a smirk at me like she is telling me that she has won.

Seeing the smirk makes me hate this bitch even more. If she stays any longer, I’m going to be grabbing her by the hair and dragging her and her expensive shoes out of here.

Who the fuck is she?

There is something familiar about her, but I know for a fact that I have never seen her before in my life. I would have remembered interacting with her. I try to think if I have seen her in passing at an event or or somewhere around the office before, but her face doesn’t register as one that I’ve directly at. In a way, though and this sounds absolute crazy as it runs through my head, she reminds me of Samantha. The only difference being that this woman has darker hair and a sligthtly darker complexion.

That has to be a coincidence, right?

“Unfortunately, you can’t wait here,” I say to her, throwing a smirk right back, trying anything to get her out of here. “Mr. Lane doesn’t like having uninvited guests in his space when he’s not present. Actually, he doesn’t like any invited guest period. So I suggest that you get up and leave this office before I call security and have you escorted you out.”

The way her face gets all smug, makes me want to reach out and slap her straight across the face. “Yeah, that is not going to be happening.”

“Oh, yeah? And why is that?”

“Because my name is on the building.” She snarls out, standing up from the couch and coming toe to toe with me.

A cold chill runs down my body.

Her name is on the building? Her name is on the building?

If her name is on the building, does that mean…


There is no way.

There is no way that the woman that is standing in front of me is who I think it is.

But what if she is telling the truth?

What if she really is a Lane?

Security is tight here. Everyone that walks into the building has to be checked and on an approved list. So either security let her through because she really says who she says she is, or she snuck her way in.

I want to believe her, but something in me is telling me not to trust this woman or a single thing she says.

“I don’t believe you.” I cross my arms along my chest, trying to show strength and not the fact that her telling me she is a Lane has rattled me.

“Believe it, honey. Now be a peach and call Bennett and tell him that I’m here. He would want to know.” She snarls out the words, as if she were above me.

She not.

I don’t give a shit who she might be. I’ve dealt with a lot in my life and I don’t have to deal with this. This woman is a nobody and if anyone is going to pull the Lane card, it’s me.