“The transition has gone well.” Gerald voices as he sit across from Bennett in his former office.
It’s officially been six months since Bennett officially became CEO of his family’s company and Gerald decided to come all the way from Boca to give his replacement his congratulations.
He came in about five minutes ago and went straight into Bennett’s office. I’m trying really hard not to eavesdrop but it’s becoming a hard task. Especially with the door wide open. It’s like they want me to hear.
“It has. It seems like everyone is accepting the change.” Bennett answers, and I just know the man has the most stoic facial expression right now. Interesting how he will smile for me and the kids, but nobody else.
“Everyone? You’re telling me Peter Hill has gotten off your back?”
I let out a snort, that comes out a little too loudly, so I quickly try to cover it up before Bennett gets up from his chair and closes the door on me.
“Hill is very much still Hill, but he has calmed down a bit.”
That’s one way to put it.
From the second that Bennett has become CEO, he definitely has lowered his voice when it comes to trying to get Bennett out of the position. Yet he still walks into every room that this building has to offer with an unremovable stick up his ass, and looks down at Bennett every chance he gets, but he isn’t as vocal about things as he was before the official vote.
It makes me think that he might be planning something, but if he was, he wold have done something by now. Right?
I sure hope so.
For now, though, I’m going to continue throwing nasty looks in his direction every time I see him and flipping him off behind his back.
“Hopefully it stays that way.” Gerald lets out.
“Let’s hope.” Bennett returns.
“And how’s married life? Everything that you thought it would be?”
As soon as the question leaves Gerald, I chide myself for listening. I will myself to get up from my chair and close the door because I shouldn’t hear what Bennett answers, but I can’t find it in me to do so.
So as Bennett speaks, I feel a blush crawl up my face.
“It’s more. I never expected to get married. Never wanted to, but I guess it takes the right person to change your mind. Ella is perfect for me.”
His words have butterflies fluttering all over my insides.
Bennett and I have grown a lot closer these last few months and are actively taking the steps that any couple outside of our situation would, but there is still so many uncertainties that surround us.
If he truly means the words he just said, maybe there is a chance that in a year and a half we wont say goodbye and we can continue this without a time frame. Because I feel the same way. This marriage has turned out to be more than what I expected to be, and I would like to see where it could go. Where Bennett and I could go. I’m hoping that when the time is right we can sit down and discuss it and not just brush it under the rug.
“Marriage looks good on you. You look like a changed man from the one that across from me earlier this year. You look happy.” Gerald tells him, and I hear a smile on his voice.
“I am.”
God, how I hope he is telling the truth. Because if he is, then maybe when the time comes, he won’t want to walk away.
The subject quickly changes between Bennett and Gerald as they start talking about golf and how Gerald is enjoying life down in Florida. I try to keep up with that they’re saying but half way into Gerald describing the different types of snakes he’s found in his yard, I lose interest and actually try to concentrate on doing my work.
When I first started this job, I had no idea how to run someone else’s life. I was barely handling my own, but with time, I learned and now I’m running a nearly perfect system. I’m still learning, but I have everything in place to help Bennett run this company just the way he wants it. Everything is organized and prepared and ready for when it’s needed.
For the next thirty minutes or so, I work on inputing every meeting and trip that Bennett has for the next month into the our calendars, and once I’m done with that I move on to the new portion of my job.
Helping with the Lane foundation.
After Josiah signed over custody of Charlie to me, I was able to put my full concentration on my project proposal for the foundation and presented them my ideas a little over a month ago.
When I first walked in, I thought that the committee that is in charge of the foundation initiatives was going to turn up their noses up at me. I’m married to Bennett after all, so in my head, they just saw me as a bored wife that just wanted something to do. But that wasn’t the case. Every single person in that room welcomed me with open arms and smiles on their faces and were inthralled with what I was presenting to them.