Page 111 of Vows In Corruption

“You can add it to my long list of favors that I owe you.” I say closing the door behind me. I don’t want Ella to wake up and wonder down the hall and hear this conversation.

“What’s going on?” Dante gets right to the point, probably noticing the hardness in my voice.

“Do you have any connections in South Carolina?” As far as I know, Dante and his syndicate only work within Illinois state lines to not step on any toes, but I know he has connections all over the damn world, and I’m hoping South Carolina is one of them.

“There’s a motorcycle club down there that owes me a few favors.”

“I’m going to need you to cash in some of those.”

I swear the bastard sing-songs his next response. “And why would I want to do that? Those favors look so pretty where I have them.”

“Because this has to do with my wife and I will stop at nothing to get it done.” The anger I’m feeling about this whole thing is seeping through.

I swear I could hear Dante nod from the other side of the phone. “You need information?”

“No. I need a fucking body.”

“Jesus.” Dante mutters out. “That’s going to cost you more than just a favor.”

“I don’t give a shit. Add it to my tab from the previous one. I’m willing to pay anything to get this done.”

I still owe him a meeting for looking into the number that popped up under Robert. So far every lead that has popped up has ended up a dead end. According to what he found, the number is attached to a burner phone that was bought at a gas station in Miami. Conveniently the gas station lost all footage from the day the phone was purchased and since then anything with the phone has been dead.

No more calls.

No leads.

Fucking nothing.

“Are you sure you want to do that? It could mean you becoming a weapons dealer.”

I figured that was why he wanted to call a meeting with me. For years, I’ve not only papered myself for this but the company.

When Dante took over the family business after his uncle died, and he was the only Rosetti left in the family line, I told him that the second I became CEO, he could come to me with whatever he needed. Both of us didn’t have anymore family, so someone had to look out of the other. But my promise to him became a benefit to me.

If I want to rule Chicago, I need to know the good and the bad that is happening in the city. And that includes knowing where the Italian mob is how and where the Italian mob that runs the city does their business.

Which is why I’ve been working hard for years to build up an applied science department at Lane Enterprises, with Gerald’s permission, to make sure everything was in line whenever the time came for Dante’s request. Not only would we supply weaponry to the mafia but also a small majority of our armed forces.

“Whatever you want. Just as long as you agree to this.”

I’m desperate for this. If Dante doesn’t agree to call in a favor with the MC, I will fly down South Carolina in the morning and take care of shit myself.

My friend is silent for a long minute, before he says anything. “I’ll get in contact with the MC’s president, but I’m going to need you to tell me your plan with this. Nobody can’t be going in blind.”

So I tell him my plan and everything that I need done.

Around one o’clock the plan is set in motion with an agreement with the MC.

By noon tomorrow, the threat of Charlie’s dad will be gone and hopefully, her and Ella will never have to look over their shoulders again.

There will not be anymore money being asked for.

There won’t be any more threats of taking Charlie away.

Everything will be gone.

And as long as I have a say, Ella will not lose her little sister and they will both live a life that they deserve.