I have to do some readjusting before I respond. “What brought it on?”
My voice sounds strained and by the way the blush covering Ella’s body is growing, she knows why.
“Do you really want to know?” Her eyes travel to my groin, a hint of sparkle in them.
I answer way too quickly. “Yes.”
She doesn’t even take a pause before answering. “I know it wasn’t necessary, since this marriage is a sham and all of that, but I still wanted to get pampered before the wedding. Feel like a real bride, you know? So I did what every bride would do the day before their wedding. Got get pampered. Hair, nails, waxing. I’ve only ever waxed my eyebrows, but since it was a big day, I decided to get a Brazilian. Not because I thought we were going to have sex or anything, but because I wanted to feel good. So I got it done, and as I was laying there, I couldn’t help but to think how the wax on my body felt nice, especially,” she pauses for a second, “down there. From there, the curiosity spurred and I looked some things up.”
A story about getting pampered shouldn’t be a fucking turn on but my dick thinks it is. Especially when it hears wax going anywhere near Ella’s pussy.
Fuck. This woman is turning me into a teenager again.
“What did you look up?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me, but when she responds, I wish that I had kept my mouth shut.
I see her swallow. “Where to buy wax that can be used during sex. Porn videos.”
She’s torturing me, I fucking know it.
I try to be as natural as I can about this conversation, but the more she speaks the more I will have to get up and take care of business.
“And did you like what you saw?” My voice cracks as I speak. She really is turning me into a teenager.
It doesn’t go unnoticed that she holds her legs together a little bit tighter. “I did.”
What the fuck do I do with the information? Say okay great, let’s order some wax and and we can explore it together.
I need to get my mind on straight, right this very moment, i have no idea how.
“If it’s something that really interest you, you should explore it and see if you like it.” I throw out because my mind is being taken over by my dick and all I can think about is it saying is ‘let me pour wax all over you and fuck you until you can’t remember your name.’
“Would you want to explore with me?” Her voice is soft, coming out almost like a purr.
Don’t fucking purr right now, baby. I can’t fucking take it.
Seriously. I need to start thinking like the thirty-two year old man that I am.
It takes me second to answer her question because all I want to say is yes, yes, yes!
“If you wanted me to, then yes, I would want to explore wax play with you.”
Ella doesn’t say anything to that right away. Instead she sit in her chair for about a minute, before a smirk form on her face and she gets up.
My eyes stay on her as she closes the space between us and she comes to stand right in front of me. Her eyes travel down to my groin where my cock is begging for attention.
“I do want to do that with you, but I think before we do that, we would have to do something else.”
“And what would that be?”
A groan nearly escapes me as Ella gets down on her knees in front of me. Her body between my legs, and her hands landing on my thighs.
“Explore each other.”
All of my resolve goes out the damn window.
“If that’s what my wife wants than that’s what she gets.”
“Your so sweet about it.”