There’s that nickname again and I can’t help but to feel a throbbing between my legs.
I take a second to compose myself.
“I’m thinking… that I should say no to your offer.”
“But I don’t want to.”
“Then say yes.”
I want to take Bennett up in his offer even if the vows we take will be the most disingenuous things ever said. He will get his title, and in return there’s a possibility that I could get something that I’ve been wanting for years.
Nobody coming after me and taking away my sister.
It may be a lie getting me there but I’m okay with that.
I guess Bennett was right, this little idea of his is beneficial to both of us, he gets the title and whatever power comes with it, and I, well I don’t get my secrets to come back to haunt me.
The more I think about it, the more I’m leaning toward the answer that I least expected to give.
Not a once of hesitation coats my voice when I answer my boss.
I nod. “Yes. I will marry you.”
“Let’s come up with some rules then.”
“Rules?” The question leaves my mouth in a bit of disbelief. You need rules for a fake marriage?
“Yes, we need to put some in place to make this work.”
“Make this work.” I run the words through my head a few times. “I guess I just figured that we would get married, you’ll become CEO and then we’ll get a divorce a month later. So rules wouldn’t apply.”
Saying that plan out loud makes me realize that that won’t work. People would see right through it. And Bennett seems to agree.
“No. Hill and the other board members that are on his side will never take that. If we divorce before the ink is dried on our marriage certificate, CEO will be out of reach. The marriage has to last for a while.”
My palms start to sweat a little bit. “How long is a ‘while’?”
“At least two years.”
My eyes bodge out. Two years. I can barely handle my attraction for this man, how am I going to handle two years?
“Two years is a lot, don’t you think?”
I need to protect my heart. Sure right now what I feel for Bennett is a crush, one that continues to grow with every passing day, but two years is a long time and a lot can happen. A lot of feelings can change. I don’t want to leave this with a broken heart that may not ever be prepared.
Bennett gives me a smile that almost looks sad. “Do you have a better timeline?”
I don’t even have to think about. We both know that I don’t.