Drake turns to us with a big smile and once his own flower is situated, he grabs the one is sitting on the coffee table and walks over.
“This is for you.” He holds up the small box for Ella, his smile growing even more.
My wife takes the box from my nephew, before bending down a bit and placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you. It’s very beautiful.”
The kid watches with excitement as she opens the box and slides on the corsage.
To some people, this may just be another mother and son dance, but to him, this is everything. He has never had a mother figure in his life, hell he doesn’t even know his own mother, so having Ella do this with him, means so much to him and I know that he will never forget it.
Part of me wants to kick myself in the ass for not bringing a female that the kids could look up to into our lives sooner, but I guess I was just waiting for the right assistant.
Because they love Ella just as much as I do.
“Are you ready to go? We can’t be late.” Drake says, nearly bouncing up and down on his feet.
Ella lets out a laugh and holds out her hand. “I’m ready if you are.”
With an excited nod, Drake slide his hand into Ella’s and waves to me and Henry as they start making their way out of the house.
Henry and I watch from the fronts steps as they get into the car waiting to take them to the dance and we stay there until the car disappears down the long drive.
“Henry?” I say as the car fades into the distance.
“Yes, sir?”
“I’m going to need my mother’s ring.” I turn to look over at the man and find him with a smile on his face.
“It’s a good thing that I just had it cleaned.”
Now it can go where it belongs.
On the finger of my wife.
When Bennett told me that I was going to be his tonight, this isn’t what I expect.
I thought that when he said no interruptions that we would be going to the penthouse and having a night to ourselves. Maybe a candle lit dinner and the us with no clothes for the remainder of the night.
But I was wrong. Big time.
Because instead of us going to the penthouse, he brought me to a club. And not just any club, but Perversa, the club he told me during our honeymoon that he was going to bring me to.
Walking in was a bit of a shell shock to the the least. Even though I’m almost twenty-six, I never step foot into a place that had a club atmosphere. A dive bar sure, but never club, let alone a strip club. Or high end strip club which is what Perversa is.
Not just anybody could get in. You need a to be a member to be able to walk through the black door. Which is what Bennett is. I just don’t know if he’s a member because he’s friends with Dante, who is the owner of the place, or because he bought a membership.
As much as I want to ask, I keep that one question to myself and try not to think of anything else but the dancer that is performing in front me and Bennett at the moment.
She’s beautiful. Her body moves with so much fluidity and conviction that I can’t help but to wonder if she went to a school like Juliard to garner that type of skill. She deserves to on a bigger stage where more people could see her amazing talent, and the more she moves the more I’m in awe. What she is doing is more than stripping, more than just dancing to get money. It’s as if she is loosing herself in what she is doing because she loves it so much. And the confidence that she gives is what I hope I project every single day as the wife of Bennett Lane.
“She’s beautiful.” I whisper to Bennett at the dancer brings her performance to and end.