He gives me a nod and goes back to drinking his coffee.
Henry is the one to speak next.
“Sir,” he starts, clearing his throat a few times before getting the words out. “I would like to apologize again about not telling you about the tracking device. Once you got older, I should have, may be then we would have known that Ms. Serrano had resurfaced.”
When I first learned about the tracking device, I was angry. Henry had a way of finding Robert all of this time and I didn’t know. But I’ve spent the last four hours in my head and that tracking device was front and center. And I realized that I had no right to be angry.
Robert left when I was eight. At that age I wasn’t looking for my brother, I was just hoping that he would come home one day. I’m sure that I didn’t even know what a tracking device was. So Henry telling me would have made no sense, especially if the device stopped working after three years. Would have it been nice to know when the kids came to live here? Yes, but even then nothing could have come from it.
“You don’t have to apologize, Henry. I understand why you kept it from m. I had no right to get angry last night.”
He gives me a nod and takes a sip of his drink. His eyes are still filled with sadness which tells me that he is going to continue to beat himself up over all of this.
“What happens now? What are we going to do about my mom?” Elliot asks after a few minutes of silence.
I wish I had an answer. I wish that I could tell him that I will stop at nothing to find his mother and make her pay for her part in last night’s events.
But Marisela is unpredictable. It could be a few years before she pops up again. We can’t be sitting around and waiting.
“There’s not much we can’t do. We know that she out there, and she knows that we will be on the look out, so she isn’t going to try anything soon. We’ll just have to up security and be vigilant. If anything happens, we have to communicate it, otherwise she will catch us by surprise again.”
He doesn’t say anything. For a few seconds, he sits there and takes my words. Eventually he gives me a nod.
“How did she and Peter Hill even team up for this? That seems like the most unliking paring and fucking random.” Elliot throws out, asking the same questions that came to my mind when I saw Hill in that building.
Thankfully Ella filled some of the blank spaces on the way home last night.
“Apparently the dark web connects people in the most unexpected way.”
I would have never put the two of the together, but I guess it made sense. Now I know what Marisela did before showing up at my office. She was plotting with Hill.
I should feel that the man is dead, but I can’t. I feel bad for his family, enough to ask Henry to pay for the funeral so that they don’t have to but not for him.
For a few more minutes, we continue to sit in the kitchen and finish our coffees. Sometime around five in the morning, Elliot excuses himself, saying that he is going to try to get a few hours of sleep and a few moments later, Henry does the same.
Not me though,
Instead of going upstairs and going to sleep in Drake’s bed, I head into the study.
Now that I know what Marisela was after thank to her telling Ella almost everything, I have to move things around to make sure that the kids are protected. And that includes putting in place a plan of what happens to the title of CEO if something ever happens to me.
I’m going to make sure that the title falls to someone that will protect the company and not a slimy bastard like Hill. If his plan had worked out, he would have destroyed the company within a year.
I’m in the middle of sending an email to my lawyer, asking him to make a few changes, when the door to the study opens up.
Given the time of day, I half expected it to be Henry, but to my surprise, it’s Ella standing at the door.
“You’re supposed to be sleeping.” I say, leaning back in my chair and taking her in.
She’s not hurt. There aren’t any cuts or bruises on her face, but I know what she went through took a toll on her.
“Little snores woke me and couldn’t go back to sleep.”
The damn kid snorlax. We’ve taken him to the doctor, but we have yet to make another appointment for the recommend surgery.
“How are you feeling?”
“Okay.” She says she walks over to me and settles herself on my lap.