Page 141 of Vows In Corruption

“Yes, my sweet Ella?”

“I love you.”

His words come quickly. “I love you too, baby. I love you so damn much.”



It’s close to four in the morning and the house is completely silent. The only noise that is seeping through the walls is of the birds that are starting to chirp outside.

Even though the bird chirps are nice to listen to, and the silence helps clear my head, I can’t help but to wish for some noise.

Kids screaming.

Them laughing.

Anything would be better than the silence right now.

But the ones that make noise are sleeping and after the night they had, they are going to be sleeping for a while longer.

Taking my eyes away from the night covered property that I’ve been staring at for the past hour, I turn to look over at the bed behind me.

Once the doctor that I have on call gave Ella the all clear, we went back to the penthouse to grab the kids and Henry to come back to the manor. Ella was tired and wanted to sleep but didn’t want to do it where she was reminded of the night’s event, so we came to the manor.

After having some tea that Henry made, she came to bed and qucily after Charlie, Drake, Samantha and Grayson climbed to bed with her and haven’t left her side.

As much as I wanted to sleep in the same bed as my wife tonight and make sure she was safe in my arms, I let the kids have their time with her.

I look over at each one of their faces and they don’t have to be awake for me to know that Sam, Grayson and Drake love Ella dearly. If we hadn’t gotten to the office building when we did, and something had happened to her, they would have been devastated. To them, she is just as much family as me and Henry.

Knowing that the kids love Ella makes my anger about this whole thing even worse. Marisela and Peter almost took someone out of my kids’ lives that they care about and love and it wasn’t even a second thought. And for that, my hatred for them will never disappear. I will hate the for the rest of my life. Hill will be easy to forget, now that he’s dead, but Marisela is still out there and when he inevitably pops up again, I will try my hardest to destroy her.

Feeling my anger come up to the surface, I decide to take a break from my watch duties and head downstairs, but before I do that, I walk over to the bed and place a soft kiss against Ella’s temple. I tried not to wake her, but when I pull back, I see her beautiful eyes staring back at me.

“Go back to sleep. I’ll just be downstairs.” I whisper.

She gives me a nod and cuddles deeper into the hold that Charlie has on her.

When I get downstairs, I’m met with a familiar scene from a few months ago. Henry siting at the kitchen island with a cup of coffee in his hand. The last time we had a morning list this, I just had a nightmare and had a snoring ten year old in my bed. It’s crazy how much has happened since then. The only difference between that time and this one, is that Elliot is sitting right next to him.

“Couldn’t sleep?” I say, walking over to the coffee maker and pouring the first of many cups I know I’m going to drink this morning.

Elliot is the one that answers. “Never actually went to sleep.”

“That would make three of us.” I say, taking a long gulp of coffee, the hotness hurting my throat but I don’t care.

“How is Mrs. Lane doing?” There is sadness in Henry’s eyes and I hate it.

“Sleeping, but she’s still shaken up. It might be a while before she can be herself again.”

What she went through was fucking traumatic. Not only the kidnapping part but also watching get shot and die in front of you. That stays with you forever. I just have to hope that she is able to get through it.

“I’ll come in to the office and help out while she adjusts.” Elliot throws out, catching me by surprise.

He never wants to work at the office and the fact that he is offering to do so know is surprising.

“I appreciate that.”