“And why is that?” Marisela asks, making her stance combative.
“Because I’m going to make them believe that you did it. Lane will be so damn distracted with the fact that you’re here and that you killed his wife and distraught, that he will just hand the company over.”
Does he live in a delusional world? If that were to happen, if Peter were to kill me right now and made it believable that it was Marisela pulled the trigger, he would definitely go after her, but he wouldn’t hand over the company to someone like Peter. Bennett would rather let the company burn to the ground than hand it over to him.
Apparently I’m not the only one that thinks that this man’s plan is insane because Marisela actually lets out a laugh.
“You’re more stupid than I thought if you think that is going to happen.”
“It will, just you watch.”
Marisela shakes her head at him. “It won’t. Want to know why? Because you won’t make it out of this room alive.”
“What the hell are yo-” A shot rings out and Peter’s question is stopped abruptly.
For a few seconds, there is silence. No movement. Me and the two people in the room with me, too stunned to even do anything. But the second that blood starts to gush out of Peter’s mouth, it’s pure chaos.
Screams leave me, people start yelling, more people start storming into the building, shots are being fired and people are running for cover.
So much happens, and the only thing that I can do is sit here and hope that a bullet doesn’t hit me.
Eventually all the chaos starts to die down, but fear is still running deep in me, more so when all the new face that are now surrounding me, don’t look familiar.
This is truly where I’m going to die.
I don’t realize that I was hysterically crying until a figure crouches down in front of me. I don’t register his face until he says my name.
As soon as I hear my name, and the voice that it’s coming from, a different type of sob escapes me. A relieved on.
“Bennett?” I ask, the stars in my eyes making it hard to see.
“Yes, baby. Let’s get you out of here.” He says the words and the ties that were holding me to the chair loose and I’m able to finally move.
The tears finally clear and as soon as my arms are free and I’m able to see his face clearly, I wrap my arms around Bennett’s neck and I hold on to him for dear life.
His arms wrap around my body so tightly, I know wI will still feel them when he lets go. “I got you. I got you.”
His words are soothing, but when I look over his shoulder and see the body that is only a few feet away from, all comfort is gone.
“Peter is dead.” I voice, not being able to believe what I just lived through.
“He is.”
“What about Marisela?” I ask, pulling myself away from him just a fraction to look around the room for the her, but she is nowhere to be seen.
“She ran as soon as the shots started firing. We don’t know where she went, but we have men searching for her.”
They’ll find her. And if it’s not tonight, it will be soon. I just know it.
“Let’s get out of here. We need to get you to a doctor.” Bennett pushes himself up and brings me along with him.
All I can do is nod at his suggestion and cradle myself into his arms as he walks us out of the room.
It’s not unit we get to the car, that I’m finally able to speak and I try to give Bennett the words that I wished I was able to give earlier.
“Bennett?” I ask, as I rest against him in the back seat of the SUV.