If I’m able to get Ella back alive, I will either end our agreement early so that she never has to go through this ever again or never leave her fucking side. I will be within arms reach until the day I fucking die.
As I look out at the Chicago skyline, the voices of my security team and the mafia men that infiltrated the space, envelope me, but I don’t pay attention to a single thing that they are saying.
They are looking everywhere for Ella, have been from the second that they were notified of her disappearance, and I should be partaking in the search, I should at the forefront of finding anything that may lead to her, but I can’t concentrate with all the dark thoughts.
It was Marisela. I know it was, there is no question about it, but why? Why take Ella? And why wait until we were home to do it?
They were in the same room just a few hours ago. Why not take her then? It would have been fucking easier. Why wait until we were at one of our homes? And how the fuck did they know that we were here?
There are so many questions that need answers.
“Mr. Bennett.” Henry’s voice takes me out of my head.
When I turn, my pseudo father is walking into the living room with Drake’s hand in his, and the girls and Grayson behind him. For a second, I take them all in. The kids are all scared but so is Henry. I notice the panic and the fear that he is trying to hide, but I have known this man all of my life, he can never hide anything from me.
I walk over to them and as soon as I’m within reach, Drake breaks away from Henry and wraps his little arms around me.
I haven’t told them why I needed Drake and Henry to leave the manor and the kids to leave school to come here, but by how tight Drake is holding on to me, he knows that something is not right. More so now that they just walked into a room full of mafia men and ex military.
Needing the comfort of my nephew, I wrap my arms around him too and try to get my bearings straight.
“Missed you today, bud.” I say into his mop of hair, hoping to fucking god that my voice doesn’t show the desperation I feel.
“What’s going on?” his voice is soft when he pulls ways from me, his eyes dancing all over the room, at all the people here with us.
It’s a lot for me. I can’t imagine how it is for him. I shouldn’t have had Henry bring them here. They shouldn’t be witnessing any of this.
But I needed to know that they were all safe and the only way to know that is if they are with me. For all I know, Marisela was also planning on hitting the manor or the school and taking one of the kids.
So until I find her and Ella, the kids are going to be wherever I am.
Placing a hand on Drake’s shoulder, I guide him out of the living room and nod for the other kids to follow me out.
As we walk down the hall to where the rooms are, I try to think of what to tell them, but the hallway isn’t long enough, and by the time we reach the bedrooms, I have nothing.
So I throw out the first thing that comes out of my ass. “Drake, bud, why don’t you go pick out a movie? We’re all going to be sleeping here tonight and I thought it would be fun to have a movie night.”
The kid looks up at me with eyes full of scrutiny. He knows something is wrong, and that I’m keeping him out of the loop. Thankfully though, he doesn’t fight me on it, and walks into the movie theater room.
As soon as he is out of hearing distance, I turn to face the three teenagers. No matter how hard I try, I won’t be able to hid anything from, so I might as well tell them what is going on.
“I need you four to stay in on this side of the house, okay? Keep an eye in your brother and under no circumstance do you leave that room unless I tell you to, got it?”
Grayson is the one to break the silence. “Are you going to tell us what’s going on?”
“Ella is missing.” Bile creeps up my throat as I say the words.
Right away, panic coats Charlie’s face as tears start running down her cheeks. “What? No, you’re lying. I just spoke to her like three hours ago.”
She starts too walk passed me with determination, but I wrap an arm around her waist and bring her back.
“Let me go. We have to go look for her.” She slams her fist against my chest, trying to push me away but failing.
“Charlotte, listen to me.” She shakes her head profusely, trying to get out of my grasp, but eventually she realizes that I’m not going to let her go. When she calms down, I speak again. “We are going to find your sister, okay? You have to trust me on that. She will come home to us. Those men in the living room? They are doing everything in their power to find her tonight. I know you want to help, but I can’t put you in danger’s way, so I need you three to go into the movie theater with Drake, where you are safe and stay there. Once we find her, I will come and get you. Can you do that for me?”
Tears run down her face as she nods.
For a second she reminds me of Ella.