We’ve been sharing a bed for four months now, and not once has the topic of nightmare come up.
“I wasn’t aware that he had nightmares.” Has he had them and I just haven’t noticed? “Do they happen often?”
Henry throws a small smile my way. “Only on occasion, but from the looks of things, he must have done something to help with them.”
I nod even though I’m still very much lost in my head. “Yeah, he must have.”
Am I that something?
I want to hope that I am.
“Since you will be going to the dance with Mr. Drake, I have something for you to inspire your shopping adventure.” Henry lets out as he guides me out of the dinning room.
For a second, all thoughts of Bennett’s nightmares go away and I concentrate on Henry.
The older gentleman gives me a smile and nods me in the direction of the his section of the house. “Follow me.”
He guides me through the lower level of the house until we reach his quarters, which are bigger than a decent sized apartment.
I stay by the entrance as he goes to a room and come back a few minutes later with a small box in his hands.
A small velvet jewelry box.
“I think a mother and son dance would be the perfect occasion for you to wear this.”
He opens the box and nestled inside is a beautiful gold bracelet with a line of five diamonds in the middle.
I take the box from him and take in every single detail of the piece of jewelry.
“Henry this is gorgeous, but I can’t possibly wear it. I could lose it.”
“That’s a risk that could happen with any piece. Besides, if I didn’t have the out most confidence in you Mrs. Lane, I wouldn’t have offered it. Please take it.”
I give a smile of appreciation. The fact that he is letting me borrow this is big. This is his way of making me understand how important I really am.
“Thank you Henry. I will bring it back to you in one piece.”
“No need. That is yours to keep. Think of it as a thank you, from me to you for agreeing to go to this dance with Mr. Drake.”
Tears form in my eyes.
This family knows how to make someone feel special, don’t they?
I raise up on my tiptoes and place a kiss against Henry’s cheek.
“I will cherish it forever.”
Right next to my wedding ring.
A few hours after Breakfast, Samantha, Charlie, Drake and I are walking through the mall with a few security guards trailing behind.
Surprisingly, we were able to find everything that we were looking for just by going to a few stores. Charlie was able to get more than just a pair of jeans, and Drake and I were able to find our matching outfits for the dance.
Now of us are just walking around, going store to store seeing if anything else catches our eyes. Which doesn’t happen until we find a toy store and Drake drags Charlie inside as Sam and I stand by the entrance.