“Yeah, sweetie. I’m fine.” I’m still slightly out f breath, but I don’t know if that is from the chocking or from what Drake just said. “You want me to go to your mother and son dance?”
Drake and I have gotten really close these last few weeks. He’s been my partner in crime in almost everything. From watching movies together, to baking, to him even showing me his made computer game skills. From the second I get home from work until he goes to sleep, he is always in the same room as me. I knew we were getting close, but I never really thought that he saw me as a mother figure.
That’s big.
No, that is fucking huge, and just thinking about the fact that he wants me to go to this dance with him has a lump of motion forming in my throat.
His little face lights up as he speaks. “Yeah, I want you to go.”
My smile grows a bit more but then when intrusive thought pops into my head the smile starts to disappear.
I’m only in his life for a year and a half more. What’s going to happen to other mother and son dances that I can’t attend because I’m no longer a part of this family.
That thought hurts, but I try to come up with an alternative. “Are you sure? Maybe Samantha would be the better choice to go with you?”
I look over at Sam, hoping to find her with a smile or something, excited that I suggested that she go with her brother, but when I take in her face, I just see disappointment.
Is she disappointed that Drake asked me instead of her? Or is she disappointed that I’m turning down her brother?
When I turn back to the little boy in front of me, I think I have my answer.
“You don’t want to go with me?” Drake lets out, his voice not as loud as it was before.
Tears form in my eyes when I see his bottom lip wobble.
I get up from my chair and walk over to the other side of the table, crunching down next to him, taking his hand in mine.
“I do want to go. I just thought since we haven’t known each other all that long, that it would be better for your sister to go with you. But if you want me to go, then I will be honored to go. We can even get matching outfits and everything.”
The way his face transforms melts my heart.
Little arms wrap around my neck and drake slams his body to mine so tightly that he falls off his chair and pushes the both of us to the ground.
Both his laugh and mine fill the room and just hearing it has my heart soaring. Who knew that I’d love hearing two Lane men laugh so much. Every time is like music to my ears and my heart.
After a few minutes of giving Drake the biggest bear hug, I let him go and we both stand back up.
“Finish your food. Maybe after we can go shopping of rout outfits.” I say to him, ruffling his hair, before pushing him toward his chair.
“Oh can we go too?” Charlie throws out, point and her and at Samantha with her piece of bacon. “My one good pair of jeans ripped and I need new ones.”
Before I even took the job at Lane Enterprises, I would have told her that we would have to wait. To give me her jeans so that I could fix them to make them last just a tad bit longer. We couldn’t afford it.
But now we can. Not only is Bennett handling all of out expenses, something that he wouldn’t budge on and didn’t even want to hear about me paying for anything, but now that I’m the assistant to the CEO of the company, I got a hefty raise that haven’t touched. We have money. And Bennett’s credit card that he tells me to use every single day, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I used it to buy Charlie some jeans and myself an outfit for the mother and son dance.
I give my sister a bright smile, and the words that I’m sure she never thought were going to come out of my mouth. “Yes, you two can come. We can’t have you walking around with ripped jeans.”
She gives me a bright smile back.
A ball of emotions rolls through me as I realize that I haven’t seen my sister this the happiest that I have seen my sister in a long time. She needed this change as much as I did and she is thriving in it.
Before I get over sentimental about it, I turn to Grayson.
“Do you want to go shopping too?”
He makes a face at my question. “I rather not. I’ll state behind with the old man and make sure that he doesn’t break a hip or anything,” he responds and nods toward Henry, who is sitting to his left.