Page 102 of Vows In Corruption

“I guess when you have the amount of money that I do, buying things like that seem trivial.”

The way she scrunches up her nose I know that what I said is wrong.

“Must be nice.” She grumbles, turning her attention back to the game, but I know that she is still very much thinking about the whole money thing still.

Great. Now she’s pissed at me for a reason beyond my control.

“If you had that type of money, what would you do with?”I ask, out of curiosity and to make her less mad at me.

The question has her facial expression shifts away from frustration.

Her question comes a lot quicker than I thought it would. Like she has thought about this.

“I’d help foster kids.” She turns to me and gives me a small smile. “I know it sounds cliche, but I’d dedicate my time helping foster kids. Create programs to help the kids that age out so that they aren’t just thrown out into the world without knowing what to do or where to go. Create group homes that are safe spaces and where a child might actually choose to go and not just get thrown in. I’d spend money giving foster parents more education on mental health and how to better help some that may have special needs. Id also use some of the money to find better ways to screen foster parents. Make sure that every one applies to be one is doing it for the best intentions and not because they are in it for the money.”

I run through all of her ideas and I like every single of of them. To pull something like off, you need a lot of funding and possibly have a well known name supporting every step of the way.

The more that I think about it, the more an idea springs into mind.

“What if you did have the money?” I asks, already drafting up opportunities in my head.

Ella lets out a small chuckle. “What are do going to do, give me the money?”

“In a way.”

She turns to look back at me just as the Knights take the puck away from the other team and drive it across the ice.

“What are you suggesting?”

“The Lane Foundation. They have a lot of the resource that you would need to pull off something like and the money. We can bring you in and you can start wherever you need. It won’t happen right away, but I think with some time, you can really do great things.”

Thinking about it some more, I think Ella would be perfect for the foundation. I know that Henry has been wanting to step down for a while now, and Ella would be a great replacement.

The foundation already donates money to different foster care programs, but it’s not enough. With Ella at the helm of things, I think the foundation could do great things.

“You really think that I could do something like that?” She asks, her eyes full of wander and excitement.

I’m honest with her. “Yeah, I really think you can. The foundation could really use someone like you.”

And they can. Henry has done a great job for almost fifteen years, but there are a few things that need a female’s touch and if my mother was still here, she would think that Ella would be perfect for the job.

The roar of the crowd puts out attention back on the game but as the cheering calms down, Ella gives me her full attention.

“Maybe we can talk more about this at home? Get Henry opinion on this. I don’t want to step on any toes.”

I give her a smile, while I reach for her hand and bring it up to my lips. “Whatever you want.”

My wife beams and leas over to place a kiss against my lips. It’s quick and easy and just enough to get me through the rest of the night until we are back in home and I have her in my bed whimpering under me.

We go back to the watching the rest of the game with the kids, and having a good time. By the end, the Knights lost the game three to one, but at the very least we got some bonding time with everyone.

“Why are is the teams called the Dark Knight anyway? It seems like a name for a hockey team. Why not use a color or something?” Ella ask as we make our way out of the arena and to the car.

“Because of Batman.” Elliot answers as if that is enough explanation for Ella and she is in on the inside joke.

“Excuse me?” She asks, looking at Elliot and me for more details. “What does a hockey team have to do with a comic book character?”

“Everything.” Grayson and Drake say at the same time as they make their way to the car.