I wait for a semi to roar past my window before asking, “Misandrists?”
Her teeth rake her lips in a sexy-as-fuck way. “Manhaters. Pretty much the woman who made you believe that outfit is sexy.” She wiggles her fingers over my khaki pants and long-sleeve shirt.
"You think man-haters are responsible for my choice in clothing?"
"Yep!" The “p” pops from her mouth. "Don't get me wrong, you give off a real playful vibe, but I had to dig through all of that to find it..." She once again waves her hand over my outfit. "You're lucky you stumbled upon me when you did, or your night might have been occupied with a lady who has severe attachment issues, or even worse, one who wants to call you Daddy."
I vomit a little in my mouth. That’s precisely the woman I was sprinting from tonight.
Although she hit the nail on the head, I play it cool. If I show my hand to a woman like Lola too quickly, I’ll be out of the game by the first round. “If my outfit is sooo concerning, why did you get in my car?”
She smiles a slick grin. “As I said earlier, I’m not the one in danger here.”
"And I am?" My voice is as high as my brow.
She rakes her eyes down my body, only stopping when she reaches the crotch of my pants she so vehemently despises. "Uh-huh. Because if I acted on a single thought currently rolling through my head, you'd not only race back to the date you were fleeing when you noticed me at the bus stop; you'd cry into her bosoms while her mommy fixed the naughty wolf’s bite."
“You don’t think I can handle you?” I’m fucking confident I can’t, but I want to hear it directly from the source.
Her eyes return to my face. “I don’t think anything, Jacob. I know you can’t handle me.”
My dick becomes chummy with the seam in my pants from her purring my name. It was throaty and filled with a need as desperate as the fire burning in her eyes for me to prove her wrong.
“I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve than you’re giving me credit for.”
"Is that so?" Fuck me; her voice could only be hotter if it were lava spilling out of a volcano. "Is that why they're three sizes too big, so you can hide your tricks up there?"
“Maybe?” I swish my tongue around my mouth, loosening up my next set of words. I could never be accused of being overly cocky, but I’m done denying the tension brimming between us. Stranger or not, it’s too fucking intense to ignore. “Or maybe I like throwing out challenges. No one likes predictability, Lola.” I express her name as huskily as she did mine. “Once you’re predictable, no one is interested anymore—not even khaki-wearing nobodies who’d give their left nut to stumble upon a girl like you just once in their lifetime.”
I see her response in her eyes, hear it hissing on her tongue, but our arrival at Bronte's Peak steals her words. Bronte's Peak is a popular hookup location halfway between Lola's hometown of Erkinsvale and my stomping ground of Ravenshoe. People only come here for one reason—to fuck.
I'll shut this down faster than a married man sidestepping a paternity test if I've read Lola wrong. But if I haven't, and our electricity is as strong on her side of the car, I'll show her all the tricks I'm hiding, and then some.
The rise and fall of Lola’s chest increases when I glide my car to a spot at the very end of the lot. I’m not seeking a secluded location. It’s just too packed for me to park closer to the exit. I shut down my engine, push my seat back until it almost becomes one with my back seat, then angle my torso to Lola. She’s eyeing me through lowered lids, her breaths as shallow as mine, her hope just as high.
When I jerk up my chin, commanding her to my side of the car, a grin that will forever highlight my dreams stretches across her face. “You can’t be accused of corruption when the victim comes to you.”
The tension crackling between us intensifies when I tilt nearer to her. “Does a victim also drive himself to the crime scene?”
Her smile grows. "Not usually, but there's a first time for everything."
“True. Tonight’s the first—”
“Time you’ve brought a girl to Bronte’s Peak? Why am I not surprised? You seem very innocent.”
"That wasn't what I was going to say." I bring my mouth even closer to hers before angling my head to the side so we share the same air. "I was going to say, it's the first time I've let another man feed my date before stealing her for dessert."
"Who said I'm dessert? There's not an ounce of sweetness in me, Jacob..."
Her words trail off when our lips brush for the briefest second. It creates an immense amount of friction between us, as blistering as the heated breath she expels when I sink back into my seat.
After taking in the way she licks her lip, hoping for another taste of my mouth, I drop my eyes to the minute portion of air between her knees and the dashboard. The only way I'll squeeze into that tight space is by time-traveling back to when I was a toddler—and even then, it would be a tight fit. If she wants this to go further than an innocent peck, she needs to make it a possibility.
Perceiving things the same as me, Lola huffs before climbing over the middle console to straddle my lap. Some people may see her forwardness as off-putting. I’m anything but ordinary. I fuckin’ love it.
She must be pretty damn uncomfortable wedged between me and my steering wheel, but her sexy voice does not indicate this. "When I destroy you, remember it was you who chose to walk this path, Jacob, not me.”
She waits for me to nod before sealing her mouth over mine. Gone is the flirty stranger who spoke her mind without a second thought, replaced by a tigress who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to get it.