Page 66 of Fighting Jacob

Ignoring Jacob’s snicker, I do as instructed.

“Now hit. Left, right, left right. Duck.”

I bob down in just enough time to miss Jacob’s loosely swung hand soaring above my head. We practiced this move for an hour this morning before Hank arrived.

“Good, now back up on your toes!”

Over the next thirty minutes, Jacob, Hank and I try a number of boxing techniques. I won't lie; my cheeks are hurting from how hard I'm smiling. Boxing is hard, but I have a better understanding of why Jacob loves it. I’m a newbie, yet I loved every friggin’ minute of our session.

After removing the last of the tape from my hands, Hank raises his eyes to me. “You did really good today, pretty lady. If you ever want a career in boxing, let me know.”

My narrowed eyes stray to Jacob when he murmurs under his breath, “No fucking chance.”

My glare has his throat working hard to swallow, but Hank acts oblivious to the tension brewing between us. With a laugh, he walks away, leaving Jacob defenseless to the ass-whooping I’m about to give him.

“Who died and made you my boss?”

“No one, but I don’t need to be your boss to tell you there’s no chance you’ll ever accept Hank’s offer.”

The cheekiness in his reply swallows some of my sass. “Why not? I’d make a good fighter.”

“You would, but this isn’t the career for you. For one, you don’t follow instructions—”

“I followed Hank’s instructions today without so much of an argument!”

Jacob's grin picks up. "Yeah, why was that? I almost lost my nuts for opening your car door, but Hank can boss you around and not be in fear of his life! What the fuck?"

The jest in his tone makes me smile. “My relationship with Hank is different than ours. I like him.”

I try to hide my smile when his jaw drops to the floor. “What are you saying? You like him more than me?”

When I nod, he snaps my backside with the towel he’s holding. Its loud crack echoes around the deserted gym as quickly as it makes excitement rush to my womb.

With his arm slung back and his smile the biggest I’ve seen, Jacob says, “Tell me you like me more.”

“Or what? You’ll spank me until I relent?”

My knees curve inward when he nods. The Jacob standing before me now is the Jacob I get wet over while watching YouTube videos of him fighting. He’s confident, yet cheeky, an unusual but highly craved combination.

When he arches his brow, warning I’m seconds away from getting my butt whipped, I murmur, “I like you...nearly as much as I like Hank.”

The last half of my sentence comes out in a flurry from my mad dash to the women’s locker room. I think I’ve made it to freedom when I enter the domain that smells like sweaty socks, but Jacob is quick to prove me wrong. He bands his arm around my waist before tugging me back.

Any wishes to flee him fly out the window when I feel his cock hard and heavy against my back. I'm trapped by a lust haze in under a second. Nothing is on my mind but wondering how long it will take to spring his cock out of his gym pants and get it in my mouth.


My words trap in my throat when he drags his tongue along my neck. As he continues walking us into the women’s locker room, my eyes stray to Hank's office. The blinds that were open only moments ago are now closed, and his door is shut. He's either accustomed to gym members shredding extra calories in his showers, or he felt the chemistry bristling between Jacob and me the past hour.

I can only hope it's the latter, and not because this is something Jacob often does. I'd ask how many women he's fondled in the showers, but when his lips are on mine, not even something as extreme as envy can steal my focus away from him.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Six months later...

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