Just before I fully tiptoe into hysteria, my savior finally arrives. It isn’t who I’m hoping. Callum tugs the gag out of my mouth a mere second before I give in to the darkness encroaching me. Although my first thoughts should center around replenishing my lungs with oxygen, my head takes on a different plight.
“Please let me go.” He could have let me die, but he didn’t. That means somewhere in the bottomless pit in his eyes is the boy I once knew. “Please, Callum. I won’t tell anyone what happened. We’ll pretend as if today never existed.”
When I place my hands over his to enhance my pledge, the light above our heads sends rainbow hues dancing across my face. They’re from the light capturing the diamond engagement ring on my finger.
Callum’s calm, cool composure cracks before my eyes when he unearths the real reason for the extra gleam in my eyes. He’s the most unhinged I’ve ever seen him, even more reckless than he was the day he choked me.
“Is that a…” He taps his gun against his temple, like he can’t force the words “engagement ring” out of his mouth. I realize that’s the case when he roars, “I thought you didn’t want to get married?!”
“I didn’t.”
Even a stranger wouldn’t miss the words I didn’t express. I never wanted to get married, until I met Jacob. He makes me crave things I never knew I wanted.
“I love—”
Before all the words can leave my lips, the butt of Callum’s gun skims across my temple for the second time.
I don’t know how much time passes before I’m awoken by someone yanking me to a standing position. Once I’m on my feet, Callum plasters himself to my back before his gun digs in my temple. Although I can’t see him, I know it is him. Nothing can replicate the scent of a deranged man.
The reason for Callum’s startled response comes to light when my eyes float up from my shoes. Ryan is entering the gym via the door I left open during my attempt to flee. He has his gun drawn, and he’s peering down the sight.
“Drop your weapon.”
Callum drags me closer to the mats Jacob and I have wrestled on many times the past two years. “Put down your gun, or I’ll fuckin’ shoot her.” He digs his gun into my ribs so severely, tears fill my eyes. In the silence, I hear him inch back the trigger, preparing to shoot me. “This is your last warning. I’ll do it. I’ll kill her.”
“Then I’ll kill you. Is that what you want, Callum? Do you want to leave the legacy of a murderer?”
With his eyes locked on me but his gun focused on Callum, Ryan bobs his head to my shoes. I'm certain he's trying to signal something to me, but with my brain fritzed, it takes me longer to work out than I care to admit.
When he steps forward with a big stomp, I finally understand. He’s encouraging me to use the skills I’ve been teaching the past twelve months—to defend myself against my attacker.
Five seconds after I sneakily nod, Ryan yells, “Now!”
I stomp down on Callum’s foot with all my might before ramming my elbow in his ribs. After throwing my head back so it collides with his nose, I sprint toward Ryan as fast as my quivering legs can move. A gun being dislodged rattles me for all of two seconds, but I keep running. I’d rather be shot trying to flee than die a coward.
When I crash into Ryan with an oomph, a tormented scream shreds through my ears. It isn’t coming from the man Ryan just gunned down. It’s from a man who made me realize I’m worthy of the greatest battle—as is he.
As Ryan spins me away from Callum’s lifeless body slumped on the floor, Jacob's grief-stricken face presents. Moisture is glistening in his eyes, and his face is as white as a ghost. When our eyes collide, he falls to his knees, sending three little tears trickling down his face.
I race to him, crashing into him so fiercely, we topple to the floor as hard as my belief I’d never love again was knocked out of the park.
“I love you, Jacob. I love you; I love you; I love you.”
Today made me realize I don’t tell him nearly enough how much I love him. So, from now on, every time the thought pops into my head, I’m going to say it out loud.
I loved him back then.
I love him now.
And I’ll love him forever.