My scalp prickles, and my stomach churns. He just admitted he’s afraid of me getting hurt, and all I can do is swallow as I look at him. I want to assure him I can also take care of myself. I want to calm his worries by telling him nothing will happen, but I can’t afford to be vulnerable.
Alexei is my enemy. I’ve had to remind myself of that every single time I feel myself falling for him, but I’m starting not to believe it.
A part of me trusts the man sitting next to me. He is my husband who I am crazily attracted to. Nothing more.
I look away, leaning my head against the window, and staring at the streetlamps as they whizz past. We don’t say a word to each other until the driver brings the car to a stop in front of the nightclub.
Alexei gets out first, rounds the car, and opens my door. He holds a hand out to me and I take it as I climb out. I take in the flickering signboard with Electra Nightclub written on it.
The outside is clustered with people smoking. Darker corners have couples making out. I bite my lip, shying away from the sight in front of me. I’d sing to the music leaking out from inside, but it’ll make it even more obvious how anxious I am.
“Are you okay?” Alexei asks, scrutinizing my face.
I nod, trying to ignore his men standing behind us. They’re all terrifying in the black suits they’re wearing. Some of them have really hideous tattoos and scars peeking out from under their shirts.
I’m horrified to say the least.
Alexei squeezes my hand. I don’t hesitate and follow as he leads the way inside.
It’s overwhelming inside the club. The music blaring from the speakers is so loud that I’m certain I’ll be leaving here with damaged eardrums. I can barely see anything through the neon lights flickering overhead, but I can make out people dancing on the dancefloor.
“Do you own this place?” I ask Alexei. I already know the answer to that, but the place is so big, and I’m too nervous to think of anything else to say.
He nods his head and looks at me. “It’s one of my clubs.”
“It’s… large,” I mutter. He doesn’t hear me through the noise.
One of his men steps forward and whispers something in his ear. Alexei nods, and then he returns his attention to me. “Come with me.”
He holds my hand firmly and leads me to the front bar. “Can you stay here for a while? I have business to attend to.”
I don’t want to. I haven’t been in a club since my freshman year in college, and that was five years ago. But I don’t want to be dependent on him, especially not when he’ll likely bring me here again. And there’s the fact I need to find out if he’s behind the kidnappings despite his denial.
“Fine. I’ll have a drink while I wait.”
He cups my cheeks, kisses my lips and pulls away. “Nikolai will join you in a few minutes. Order whatever you want.” He glances at the waiter.
The waiter nods.
“Go, I’ll be fine.” I let my gaze burn his back until he disappears down some hallway.
I order a negroni, sipping it little by little as I look around.
“You must be new here,” a soft voice says beside me.
I turn around to see who it belongs to. A pretty woman who looks about four years older than me is sitting to my left. She’s beautiful, with long, black hair and a killer body. She’s scarcely dressed in red. Most of her breasts and back are exposed.
“I am,” I say with a smile. It wouldn’t hurt to make a new friend. Also, I can ask her questions about Alexei. “You must’ve been here for a while now if you noticed I’m new.”
“A martini,” she says to the waiter. After he nods to confirm he’s taken her order, she faces me. “You have no idea.”
I smile. I like her already. “I’m Irina by the way. What’s your name?”
She doesn’t smile back at me. Instead, the look she gives me is condescending. “I know who you are.”
“Oh?” I draw in a breath. “I don’t know you.”
The waiter brings her martini and she takes it without even thanking him. She sips, scrunching her face up. “You’re Irina Volkov. Vadim’s wife.”