Page 7 of Devil's Bride

I push up from my chair when my father says, “Sit down.”

I turn to look at him. “No.”

“Sit down, Irina,” he orders, his voice more serious this time.

I sit with reluctance. “I’m not marrying you off because I want to, I’m marrying you off because it’s the only way we can survive.”

Tension crackles in the dining room as my brother and mother stop eating.

“What do you mean, survive?” I ask. If my father sees my fists clenching on the table or not, he doesn’t let on.

“There are people, Irina, bad people who will hurt our family if you don’t do as you’re told,” he explains, his is face marred with worry that does nothing to soothe the rage I’m feeling right now. “Getting you married is the only option.”

“So, you’re asking me to be a sacrificial lamb for the family?” My brows raise. “Is that it?”

His throat moves as he swallows. “Don’t think of it that way.”

I look around the table, hoping for backup, but no one says a word. It seems they’d already come to an agreement before breaking the news to me. “My answer is no. If you got yourself into a mess, then you should sort it out yourself. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s the twenty-first century, and you can’t force me into marriage.”

“You will not speak to me like that, young lady. I’m your father.”

Right, my father. My father and I aren’t the classic father and daughter. Our relationship isn’t strained, but we aren’t that close either. He’d been obsessed with my brother most of my childhood, doting on him because he’s his heir.

“If you can agree to a marriage behind my back, then I think it’s fair I speak to you however I see fit.” I still can’t believe this is happening. My father expects me to get married because he says so. “I’m twenty-three, I haven’t even figured my life yet. Marriage is the least of my priorities.”

“Irina.” My mother’s voice is almost a whisper as she calls my name. “We had no choice but to agree. It’s either that or…”

“Let me guess. It’s either I get married or everyone in this family is murdered.” She looks away to avoid my glare. “What’s wrong with dying? I’m the youngest, why do I have to make the sacrifice?”

“Watch what you say, Irina,” my brother growls from where he’s sitting.

“Shut the fuck up, Damien,” I retort at him. I shoot back to my feet. “I’m not getting married and that is final.”

I’m storming to the double glass doors which separate the dining room from the rest of the house, when my father’s voice brings me to a halt.

“Alexei Vadim,” he says. “That’s the name of the man you’re marrying.”

My scalp prickles and a knot forms in my stomach. I spin around to face my father. “What did you just say?”

“You heard me,” he says, “you’re to marry Alexei Vadim a week from today.”

My mind flashes back to my conversations with Alexei at the shelter; the way he smiled when he told me I didn’t know yet. This is what all of that was about, us getting married.

Panic ripples through me as I imagine how life will be with Alexei as my husband. He’ll turn me in a sex slave, a breeding mare to carry his children. I can’t marry him.


I won’t marry him.

Chapter Three


“You can’t marry her, it’s a trap.”

I lift my eyes from my computer to look at Mikhail. He’s pacing my office, his veins bulging from how hard he’s clenching his fists. I’d just told him about Irina and our marriage, he doesn’t seem pleased with the plans. Neither do I.

“I don’t have a choice.” It’s either I marry Irina and make the Phoenix believe they have me under control, or they leak that video and destroy everything I’ve worked for. It’s better the former than the latter.