Page 57 of Devil's Bride

“You were afraid you’d lose me?” I blink at him. I must be dreaming. Does this mean he feels the same way about me that I feel about him?

“Promise me you’ll stay safe if I tell you what I know.”

Dying would be a waste knowing I’ll leave a man like Alexei behind. And maybe it’s because I could have died that I no longer want to hold back. He was all I could think of in that final moment before I passed out. He was all I could think off when I woke up.

This man holds my heart. “I promise.”

His lips are a whisper away from mine. “Good, because I don’t think I can live in world without you.”

His lips meet mine, and he kisses me so passionately that I’m burning with desire for him.

Our kiss deepens, igniting a fire within me I never knew existed. In this moment with Alexei, the weight of the truth about my father and my near-death experience, fades. All that matters is Alexei and the overwhelming feelings I have for him.

We break apart, breathless and desperate for more.

I look into Alexei's eyes, and he looks back into mine with deep longing. I don’t wait for him to make a move this time. My lips clash with his, every cell in my body is desperate and aching for him.

He kisses me back passionately and his hands explore my body, staring from the hardness of my nipples to the pool of wetness between my legs. I open my legs a little wider, moaning as his fingers caress my folds and my clit. I’m grinding against him and ignoring the pain shooting up my arm.

“You’re hurt, Irina,” he whispers, breaking our kiss just for a moment. “We shouldn’t do this.”

I wrap my uninjured hand around his neck. “We should. I want this—you.”

That is such an understatement. I’m burning with need for him. I press my lips to his again, trying to lure him in with a deeper kiss when someone knocks on the door.

“Can we talk for a moment, brother?” Mikhail calls from outside.

Alexei grunts at the distraction. “I’ll see what it is he wants and I’ll come right back to you, okay?”

I’m not happy with this, but I nod. Mikhail has never come up here, it must be really important if he’s calling for his brother.

I spiral back to my thoughts after Alexei leaves. All I can think about is my father and if I’m really going to bring him down for his crimes. I love him very much, but I can’t ignore his involvement with the Phoenix.

Chapter Nineteen


“We need Dominic’s help,” Mikhail says. My usually expressionless brother looks genuinely worried for once. “You saw what happened today, it could get worse, brother.”

I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the wall. I’d seen what happened, I’m still both angry and terrified.

I almost lost Irina today and to think that if I’d just been a second later…I could have lost her. That thought alone awakens emotions in me I did not think I was capable of. Emotions like the fierce need to protect her.

Dominic owes me a favor, but I don’t think I’d care if I’d have to grovel at his feet. I’ll do anything as long as it leads me to the bastard who hurt my wife.

I take my phone from my pocket and dial Dominic’s number. He answers almost immediately, as if he’s been expecting my call.

“Well, well, look who is calling,” he muses.

We share a sense of humor, Dominic and me. But I’m not in the mood for jokes or petty words. Given how quickly he answered and how he has his ear glued to news all over the city, he most likely knows why I’m calling. “I need something from you, Dominic.”

He sighs. “If you need a favor from me then sound like you do, Alexei. I expect a pleasant greeting at least.”

Fuck pleasant greetings. I don’t have the patience to handle it right now. “My wife was almost killed tonight, and the Phoenix are dominating my territories. I need your help.”

He yawns as if I’m muttering the stupidest nonsense known to man. “What do I get in return for my help, Alexei?”

“You owe me. It’s time to repay your debt.”