Page 94 of Three of a Kind

That, or he’s dead.

“Is there a phone I can use to call Lennox?” I ask, wringing my hands together. “She’s going to be furious with me.”

Bless nods. “Yeah, come on. I’ll call the guys with her, and you can talk. But if she stresses you out, you’re hanging up.”

I roll my lips together, trying to hold back a laugh. “Yes, Mom.”

“Hey,” Stacia calls from the living room, “I’m the only one allowed to call her Mommy.”

I snort as Bless peeks around the wall with an exasperated look on her face.

Lennox doesn’t sound like herself, and it has me frowning up a storm. I knew she wouldn’t be overly ecstatic to be stolen away from her job and life, but I didn’t expect her to sound so…resigned.

“I’m fine,” Lennox repeats for probably the fourth time. “Or I would be, if these guys would stop bossing me into doing stuff I don’t want to.”

“Stuff like what?” I ask, suddenly more anxious than I was.

“Getting out of bed to shower. Forcing me to sit at the table if I want to eat. I’m depressed.” Lennox huffs. “Thorne basically broke up with me two hours before Bless’s thugs hauled me out of the club. Not that we were really official or whatever, but?—”

“Oh, Lennox,” I whisper, remembering what it felt like to have my heart broken for the first time.

“It’s fine,” she mutters. “I thought if I got close to him that he would help us when Avan found out about the baby. I didn’t mean to fall for him.”

“I’m so sorry,” I say, trying to find the words to help her feel better.

Lennox might be young and naive, but I know she loves me as much as I love her.

“It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t have to apologize for everything. I’m sorry too.” She sighs. “I should have listened to you months ago when you wanted to leave. I thought I was helping…”

“I love you.” God, I wish I could give her a hug right now.

“I love you, too, but if I’m stuck here, I’d like to be able to wallow in my misery without being bothered by Bless’s guys.”

Bless scoffs. “Basic hygiene is a necessity when you’re around other people. Enjoy your vacation. Brooklyn has to go.” She snatches the phone, hanging up before I can even say goodbye.

I feel like a terrible sister, because I know Lennox is hurting, but honestly, I’m relieved.

Thorne would have brought her nothing but trouble in the long run. His involvement in Avan’s world makes him a terrible choice for a life partner.

At least it sounds like Bless’s people are making sure Lennox eats and is taking basic care of herself.


I can’t wait until life settles down.

Stacia and her grandmother decide to go out for dinner. Bless is with her family, so that just leaves me with Libby and the guys.

As it turns out, we aren’t so far outside of the city that nowhere will deliver. Maverick is responsible for ordering the fancy meal that smells delicious.

I’m beginning to see that he and Noble thrive on being able to feed and care for me, like helping with a shower.

Gunner is more reserved, but I don’t doubt our connection.

The bond really helps in that department because I can feel his intentions. When he looks stoic, he’s just thinking, and let’s face it—the man looks devilishly handsome, even when he’s stone-faced.

Noble looks rough, but he joins us at the table, and Libby isn’t nearly as fazed by his appearance as I expect her to be.

She spots the smaller plate and immediately tries to climb up into the chair in front of it.