Page 70 of Three of a Kind

It’s a little scary to process that the thought never crossed my mind.

This is why omegas are told to handle all important conversations well before a heat is supposed to hit.

It’s baffling.

I’m pregnant.

I shouldn’t be having waves this strong.

Once we’re done in the shower, Gunner helps dry me off and gets redressed in his same clothes. I grab a pair of leggings and a dress, getting into them quickly. It has to be almost dinnertime, and I missed lunch with Libby.

It’s so complicated.

I’m still not sure it was right for me to beg Gunner to bite me. It’s basic omega rambling at its finest, but what’s done is done. We didn’t even get a courtship period, which would have given him an opportunity to change his mind.

He’s clearly the one settling here.

I’ve got no complaints.

Except, I feel bad when I think of Noble.

“Come on.” Gunner links his fingers in mine. “You’ll feel better once you see with your own eyes that she’s fine.”

I’m pretty sure he misunderstood what I was thinking about, but I nod and spin to grab my phone.

My chest gets tight when I realize Noble hasn’t responded to my text.


He doesn’t know Gunner and I bonded, and I really hope it doesn’t destroy everything when he finds out.

“Mommy, you waked up!” Libby squeals, sliding off the couch and dropping her cup on Nova’s back.

The giant dog doesn’t seem bothered, but I bend down, lifting my daughter. “That wasn’t very nice. You dropped your cup right on Nova.”

She frowns, looking over her shoulder. “Sorry, puppy.”

“She’s fine.” Maverick comes around the corner from the kitchen. “Did you sleep well?” The lazy smile on his face makes my cheeks heat.

“You feel better, Mommy?” Libby asks, smooshing my cheeks with her hands.

“I do,” I agree, kissing her cheek.

“Good.” She wiggles in my hold. “I’m gonna show you my new toys!”

I place her on her feet, and she runs behind Gunner and toward her bedroom.

“Yeah, leave it to that one to have courting gifts delivered for your kid when I’ve spent the afternoon packing up all the toys she already doesn’t play with.” Bless comes out of Libby’s bedroom with two storage bins stacked one on top of the other. “Get out of my way or hug the wall.” She shoves her forearm into Gunner’s side, and he tugs my hips, so we can make room for her to walk by.

Maverick slides up on my other side, bending to sniff my neck. “Holy shit.” He chuckles. “You weren’t joking about not letting her slip away a second time.”

Bless freezes in front of me. “Add these to the pile,” she grunts, shoving the bins at Maverick before getting even closer to my throat than he did. “Where’s the bite?”

I pull my hair over my shoulder and dress to the side to show her the angry red set of teeth prints.

Bless’s eyes fall shut as she exhales heavily. They finally open, and she smiles. “I’m happy for you, but I’m going to knee your alpha in the balls for not having the presence of mind to hold off until this bullshit is settled.”

“Oh, yeah,” Stacia calls from the couch. “Because anything like rational sense could have kept you from biting me?”