Her head twists toward the hallway that I assume leads to the bedrooms.
“She fell asleep on the walk home.” She swallows thickly. “I didn’t even get to feed her lunch.”
“Are you hungry?” I ask.
“I can order delivery,” Maverick says, tossing himself down on our other side.
Nova has her head on my thigh, and it reminds me of the way she was with Laken. I’m fairly sure dogs can sense pregnancy.
Or, at least, that one can.
“I’m not hungry, but Libby will be when she wakes up. I can make something,” Brooklyn says, pulling her hand up to rub at her forehead.
“Give me the address and a few ideas on what the two of you like, and I’ll order.” Maverick leans over, brushing his lips along her cheek.
She doesn’t push either of us away.
That has to be a good sign, right?
Maverick tackles ordering lunch, while Brooklyn stays plastered to my chest.
Fuck if I know when we got to this level of comfortable, but I’m not complaining.
Being able to touch her soothes the rage I feel whenever I think about Avan Barrett.
“Sorry, I sweated all over you,” Brooklyn says against my throat. “I was hot at the park, but even the air conditioning isn’t helping.”
My hand moves to brush the backs of my fingers over her forehead, and my head tilts. She might be a little warmer than normal.
“Would you like to go change? Maybe take a quick shower?” I offer. “Maverick and I can keep an eye out for Liberty.”
Someone knocks on the door, and Maverick instantly pushes himself up to go collect the food.
“I don’t know what to do,” she whispers. “My instincts are a mess. Half of me wants to frantically pack everything I own. The other half wants to hide in my bed in a makeshift nest and burrow until all my problems disappear.”
My chest aches from hearing how miserable she sounds. “We’ve got you now. No matter what comes next, Maverick and I will protect you. If it comes down to it, we can get you out of New York in a single night, and if we need to call in the rest of our team from Assurance, then we will. You are safe. Just tell me how to help you feel better.”
“You are.” She nuzzles her face deeper into my neck. “I just feel bad for getting you involved in all of this.”
“Don’t. I’m exactly where I want to be.” I run my hand up and down her spine. It’s a little crazy to realize my words are true.
I’ve never been omega obsessed.
Their impulses are cute and sometimes endearing, but I’ve always been content to watch them from a distance.
That doesn’t apply to Brooklyn.
There’s a physical compulsion to keep her close, so she can’t disappear on me again. It doesn’t help knowing that danger looms because of her shitty ex.
I really do wish she would agree to let us get her out of the city. We could be back in Virginia within three days—and that’s taking our time because of the dogs and a toddler. Once we’re there, we’d have guys I trust backing us up.
There’s a ruckus at the front door, and my head tilts.
Bless comes around the corner with Maverick right behind her. She has an armful of huge plastic bins, and my eyes widen.
Holy fuck.
“What are those for?” Brooklyn asks in a wobbly tone.