Page 137 of Three of a Kind

“I love you too,” I assure him as we pull back.

Maverick whistles and calls out, “Come on, let’s check out the house.”

“Okay!” Libby squeals, chasing after the dogs as they bound toward the front door.

“Ready to check out our new home, Little Mama?” Noble asks, smacking my ass on his way by.

Then, I’m the one squealing as Gunner scoops me up like a bride.

“What are you doing?” I gasp.

“Carrying you over the threshold.” Gunner smirks.

Holy shit.

He really is a beautiful man.

The house is incredible. If I could, I would spend every hour of the day in my new nest. Alas, I have a kid to take care of, and we have a bunch of things to settle.

The guys weren’t kidding when they said they’d get me into the doctor right away. I almost feel like they pressured their coworker into asking his brother to fit us in early or something.

I don’t know.

I’m kind of baffled, otherwise. Even the sign on the door says they open at eight-thirty, but it’s only a few minutes after eight, and we’re already set up in a room.

Dr. Garza is polite, even though it’s seriously late in my pregnancy to find a new practice. Or maybe I’m panicking a little because I have some leftover trauma about finding out the gender.

Libby is in her “I’m the Big Sister” shirt, and she’s sitting in Noble’s lap, coloring like she hasn’t got a care in the world.

I pat around on the table and grab my new phone. Once I’ve got a hold of it, I snap multiple pictures of Libby and Noble.

“Okay, this is going to be cold,” the ultrasound technician says, squirting the cool gel all over my stomach.

Noble catches me watching and winks.

My heart starts to race, so I glance away.

Who knows what they can see on the monitor.

Maverick stands behind the table, but he leans over my head, pecking a quick kiss on my nose as he runs his fingers through the hair at the base of my skull.

“We’re going to measure the heartbeat first,” Dr. Garza says. “It’s going to sound fast in comparison to ours, but that’s completely normal.”

My eyes land on Gunner as he paces behind the doctor. The whooshing sound of the heartbeat fills the air.

Gunner rocks back on his heels and spins around with his mouth hanging open. “Shit.”

Maverick nuzzles his cheek to mine from behind as Gunner strides over, taking my hand.

“Are you okay? You’re looking a little pale.” I give a playful grin, sending him comfort in the bond.

“Yeah, that’s just crazy.” Gunner laughs. “It’s so damn fast.”

The tech works the wand and the machine while Dr. Garza studies the screen.

He glances at me. “Do you already know the gender, would you like to find out, or is that going to be a surprise?” He chuckles. “I never make assumptions. I learned that the hard way.”

“We don’t know,” I say, swallowing despite my suddenly dry mouth. “But we’d like to if you can tell.”