Brooklyn’s contraction makes its way through the bond, and I grind my teeth together to keep from hissing.
Holy shit.
Contractions are no fucking joke.
My balls throb as my lower back aches with a pulsing pain that seems to make me queasy. Yeah, it’s definitely time to have a doctor monitoring both her and the baby.
“I swear, your giant-ass hands made him look tiny,” I tell Noble, bumping my shoulder against his.
Gunner laughs. “Our omega is looking a little like she might strangle you.” He sits next to her on the hospital bed in the private room they gave us after she delivered.
Brooklyn scoffs. “His head and shoulders didn’t feel tiny when he was trying to come out.”
“I’ll bet they didn’t,” I agree, studying Judge’s chubby cheeks. He’s got a headful of dark, wavy hair and a lot of it, just like Brooklyn and Libby.
“Knock, knock,” Laken says, shoving her head in the door. “Can we come in?”
“Yes,” Brooklyn calls out, pulling up the blanket.
“Mommy,” Libby squeals, taking off toward the bed.
Gunner climbs off and moves around to help Libby up.
“Hi, sweet pea.” Brooklyn looks a little like she might burst into tears at any given moment as Libby hugs the hell out of her. “I missed you so much last night.”
“Well, damn.” Locke chuckles, peeking at the baby. “He looks just like you and Liberty.”
“They really are three of a kind,” Laken agrees. She turns to face Brooklyn, planting her hands on her hips. “Please tell me it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.” She moves to run a hand over her baby bump.
Brooklyn laughs, squeezing Libby to her chest. “It’s over before you know it, and then you get a sweet baby. It’s totally worth it.”
I grin and wink when I catch her studying me as I hold Judge.
“So, what are the chances that you’ll let me hold him?” Locke asks, rocking back on his heels.
Brooklyn snorts. “If you can pry him away from those guys, go for it. Just wash your hands.”
I frown.
I just got my turn to hold him.
Locke is his uncle.
I guess I can share…for a few minutes.
“Libby, come give me a hug. I missed you, kiddo.” I grin at the way Gunner glares.
Having a family is a lot more fun than I ever could have guessed.
Two Weeks Later
“Um…” Libby’s nose wrinkles. “He stinks. Pretty bad.”