It’s the middle of summer, meaning the sun sets later. I click over to a browser and search for the exact details.
“Eight thirty-one, to be precise,” I say, scanning the other information. “However, there’s an eighty-seven percent chance of rain tonight between eight and nine.”
“That could help, or it might make it difficult to light the place on fire once we’re done,” Ranger mutters.
“Leave that up to Ivanov’s men,” Soren says, like he holds no allegiance to the man. “The police will investigate, but it won’t be us they suspect. If Ivanov wants to keep his involvement in things a secret, then his men will be fully briefed with a plan to destroy the evidence.”
Locke turns to Soren with his head tipped to the side. “How would it benefit Ivanov to take credit?”
Soren shrugs. “He’s a proud man. He may have lost New York, but if this succeeds, it will be his name whispered for the foreseeable future. Kostov is in line for succession, but he’s not there yet. There’s no chance Ivanov hands off all control to a man he barely knows. Not this fast.”
Locke nods.
Bless sighs, eyeing the clock. “I have to start getting ready soon. They want me there at seven-thirty.”
“You could bring me as your date,” Locke jokes.
“Yeah, sure, if I want to be attacked on sight.” Bless laughs. “You assholes better show up. I’m going to be stuck on the inside with no idea what’s happening…”
Soren snorts. “The sooner this job is completed, the faster I can get home to my wife.”
Ranger nods.
Apparently, that’s all the reassurance they’re going to give her.
Maverick comes to my side, bumping his shoulder against mine. “Are you ready to knock off some Barretts?”
I chuckle. “More than ready.”
Libby plays in the living room as Brooklyn paces back and forth. Two women I’ve never met before lounge in the living room with Stacia.
Bless left a while ago, and Stacia looked a lot like Brooklyn does now.
I stride over, catching Brooklyn by the hips and pulling her to my chest. “Don’t stress, Mama. We’ve got this.”
“I’m trying,” she says as her fingers dig into my T-shirt. “I’m also failing pretty epically, but I am trying to stay calm.”
I chuckle, bending to mark each of her cheeks with my scent. “You probably should give me a little more hell for all the months I watched you on the sly, but I was obsessed from the minute I spotted you in the bookstore. I used to sit in the coffee shop and hide behind the wall, peeking out when you weren’t looking.”
She giggles against my cheek. “That sounds more romantic than you’re making it out to be.”
My heart thumps against my ribs as I prepare to capture her mouth.
“I love you, Mama,” I confess and kiss the fuck out of her to distract her just in case she isn’t ready to say it back.
The baby belly pushes against my stomach, and it makes everything tonight is about seem even more real.
Gunner appears over Brooklyn’s shoulder as I pull back to let her breathe.
“I love you too,” she murmurs as I give her one last peck. “Just be safe. No matter what. If you have to let him live just to ensure you do…”
“We’ve got this,” Gunner growls, yanking her back to his chest. He bends to kiss her from behind, and Brooklyn twists her head to make the move possible.
I grin like a fucking idiot, drying my sweaty palms off on my jeans. Now, I’ve just got one more admission of love to go.
I head into the living room and scoop Libby off the floor.
“Noble! I was playing,” she says, burying her small hands in my beard.