“You can still change your mind.” Noble kisses my temple, palming my stomach.
My hand lands over his, giving it a squeeze. “Will one of you throw me the shirt?”
Gunner reaches forward, grabs it, balls it up, and tosses it to me.
I shake it out as Noble places the toy on the floor next to the chair.
Libby comes back, pushing the stroller Maverick got her at full speed. She gets to us and tugs out her baby.
“That one is going to have to be put together.” Maverick grimaces, pushing himself off the couch. “But we’ll start now.”
Gunner grabs the box as Libby crawls back into my lap.
“I love my baby, Noble,” she says, kneeling on my thigh to stretch to kiss his cheek.
“I’m glad.” He pats her back. “Why don’t you sit down?”
“Okay.” She gets situated, leaning her back against my chest.
I rub my hand over her tummy as she pulls the doll up, giving it a kiss.
I scoot her over a little until she’s in the crook of my arm.
“You know the story where Selena gets a baby sister?” I blurt out before I can chicken out.
It’s a book I grabbed a couple of months ago that I saw recommended for getting small children used to the idea of pregnancy and adding a new baby to the family. I’ve read it to her more than a few times.
“I like that one,” Libby says, nodding.
My hand runs over her arm. “Selena was a great big sister. Do you remember how much baby Kathy loved her?”
“Yes.” Libby frowns, turning to face me.
“There’s a baby brother or sister in my tummy right now, and they can’t wait to meet you.”
Libby drops her doll on her lap and points at my stomach. “In there?”
“Y-Yes,” I agree. “We won’t be able to meet him or her until it gets cooler outside. We still have a little while left to go.”
Libby puts her hand on my stomach and turns to kneel on my thigh. “I don’t see him.”
Noble snorts. “Not yet. He or she has to finish growing.”
“Oh,” Libby says, frowning even harder.
“But that means you’re going to be a big sister,” Noble says, grabbing the shirt. “So, you get this.”
“Thanks,” Libby says, grabbing it and holding it to her chest. She keeps feeling around my stomach with the other hand. “I can play with my toys?”
I blink and blink some more.
Okay, so, she clearly has no idea what’s going on, but we broke the ice.
“It’s got a few more steps left,” Gunner says. “But you can put your baby in the high chair. It’s all put together.”
“Can I have a kiss?” I ask as she moves to climb down.
Libby lays a slobbery kiss right on my lips and abandons me to check out her new toys.