“We know how powerful your magic is, little dove.” Ryker grins at her. “Lord knows you’ve cast a potent spell over me—” he winks “—but you’re still learning magic wielding, and there’s a fucking demon in that room.” He points behind him.
I plant myself at the bottom of the staircase. “What do you mean she’s still learning?” I glare at Ember. We’re putting our trust in this baby vampire, this witch, and she’s a rank amateur?
Ember walks down another few steps until she’s just two above me, evening up our eye levels. “Crusher, you and I need to talk.”
My eyes narrow. “Talk? Why?” Vigilance tingles through every part of me. Or is the sensation part of her magic?
“You said you wanted to cross through the portal.” The small vampire looks straight at me, her eyes revealing no hint of deception. “I’d like to discuss that.”
“Good idea.” Ana steps down to the stair Ember’s on. “Let’s talk it through. Me? I don’t think he should come.”
Ember turns toward her. “I’d like to have a word with Crusher alone, if that’s okay.”
Ana shrugs. “I suppose…”
Flame stops examining some modern looking statue on the landing above us and turns. “Crusher,” he says. “While you and Ember talk, Blade, Ana and I will check out the bedrooms.”
Ana’s cheeks flush, and she shifts on the stairs as if rubbing her thighs together, under her long gown. With just the word bedroom, she’s ready. My cock aches with envy.
“I’m not leaving Ana alone.” I fold my arms over my chest.
“She won’t be alone,” Blade says.
“My magic will hold Phil.” Ember tries to reassure me with her eyes.
“I’ll be fine.” Ana strokes my arm, and a powerful boost of love and energy surges through me. She hasn’t touched me like this, since she found out about Timur.
And I don’t want to argue with her. Beginner or not, it was Ember’s magic that stopped Phil when he attacked Ana, and she kept him contained on the plane, so we didn’t require two jets. I trust Ember right now. As much as I ever trust anyone.
“What do you want to talk about?” I ask her.
“Let’s chat on the roof,” she answers. “The view is amazing.”
I glance toward Ana, but she’s staring into Flame’s eyes, and Blade has joined them. Looking at their expressions, their postures, it’s not difficult to guess what the three of them will be up to soon.
Ember brushes Ana’s arm as we pass them. “Perhaps you three should check out the spa and pool in the basement? Or use a bedroom down there? If you stay a few stories apart, there’s less chance a certain someone—” she tips her head toward the top of the stairs “—will catch wind of…”
“Good idea,” Ana answers.
“There’s a pool?” Blade’s eyes widen like a little boy’s.
“Zuben,” Ember says. “Can you show these three around?”
“Certainly, cherished one.” Zuben nods from where he’s remained in the foyer this entire time. Then he gestures for Ana, Flame and Blade to follow him.
Zuben and Ember are acting like hosts, even though Ana arranged our accommodations. But Ember and her mates did arrive here first—along with Phil.
“Shall we?” Turning toward Ember, I gesture up the stairs. “You mentioned the roof?”
She smiles, and the two of us go up a level, and then head down the hall.
Ryker follows behind us, but Ember stops and turns toward him. “I need to talk to Crusher in private.”
Ryker frowns, and then Axe arrives at his side, audibly growling.
“Guys,” Ember shakes her head, and her long curly hair swings behind her. “I’ll be fine. Isn’t it obvious? This big guy only has eyes for Ana.”
Her two mates nod, and regret floods inside me. My love for Ana is obvious, even to these vampires I’ve barely met, and yet she doesn’t love me back.