Page 78 of Princess Avenged

We can still see the sky high above, but we’re surrounded by a curtain that completely blocks our view in any other direction, and all sounds. The only thing I can hear is the rush of blood pumping through the bodies of the other three vampires, and my own.

“How do you think it’s going?” I ask Ember, leaning forward and realizing I feel heavy, stuck to my chair.

“As well as it could have?” She shrugs unconvincingly.

“You did very well, cherished one.” Zuben plants a kiss on Ember’s forehead. “The moment I thought of a relevant detail that you’d omitted, you included it.”

She beams back at him.

The curtain around us vanishes, and we stiffen in our seats. Circe is standing directly in front of us, as if she’d been inside the curtain all along. The other witches have vanished, as have their chairs and the banquet table. And the sun is beating down on us all. The sails above have gone too.

“What you have told us is perhaps the most troubling development in our realm, for the last two thousand years.” Circe’s fingers are trembling, and she clasps her hands behind her back. “To that end, we have agreed that you four must know certain well-guarded secrets. But you will not reveal these secrets to anyone, except as absolutely necessary. Especially not to the bloodsucker hosting the demon.”

Circe stares at me as she says this last part, and I nod, even though the idea of keeping anything from Phil, or from Flame and Crusher, is making me nauseous. There have been too many important things left unsaid.

Circe sits as a chair materializes behind her. “After my ancestors banished most demons from this realm.” Her voice and expression are serious. “They sealed every known portal but one.”

“Where is the portal?” I ask. “And how do we get the demon through it?”

“Perhaps you will let me continue?”

I nod, annoyed that I allowed my impatience to steal my good manners. If we anger this witch, we might not find out what we need to know.

“This demon is highly dangerous,” she says. “We did know of his continued presence on earth, but it was of little concern. That is, until a century ago, when he made an unbreakable deal with Rasputin.” She nods toward me. “The deal he made when he marked you.”

“You knew about that?” Blade says. “But did nothing?”

I squeeze his leg.

But Circe doesn’t appear annoyed at Blade’s accusatory outburst. “We knew the demon had gained power. We knew he had found a permanent host and had likely marked a target, but until today, we had no idea who this host was.”

I swallow hard, trying to contain my trepidation.

“But even the least sensitive amongst us felt his power building these past months. He gained power as he compelled his host to kill others, and even more when he set up home in your mate.”

She looks at me. “The demon’s abilities, while in the body of a vampire, are unknown, but very concerning.” She pauses, her lips pursed.

“How do we kill it?” I ask softly.

Circe shakes her head. “The demon cannot be killed. Not in this realm. He gains power from his host’s pain. And even more when that host is slain. When one host dies, he will either bring the host back to life, or find another. Whatever is most expeditious.”

My entire body implodes. I can’t breathe.

“The demon must be killed on the other side of the portal,” Circe says like it’s no big deal. “He must be slain where he belongs.”

“How do we do that?” Despair creeps in. “How do we get it out of Phil so we can get it through the portal?”

Circe shakes her head. “This demon will not willingly leave this current host. Not as long as the host lives. And vampires are difficult to slay.” Nodding her head, she gestures toward us. “As you well know.”

“So…” My mind is reeling, my heart freezing with fear.

“I cannot tell you what to do.” Circe turns to face me directly. “But I can tell you what I know.”

I nod.

“This demon must be killed by a specific sword, marked just for him, and it must pierce his liver.”

The demon, while inside Rasputin, stabbed Phil in the liver. I can’t remember if Circe knows that. I can barely remember my own name right now, never mind all the details of what’s been said.