“Where are we going?” I ask Flame.
“I set up a spot for us.”
“You did? When?” I try to think of a moment when we weren’t all together. “That’s very thoughtful.”
Flame looks down at me with so much adoration in his eyes, my heart nearly jumps from my chest. How did I get so lucky to have these men in my life?
An owl hoots, and then flies through the boughs above, and I stop for a moment, watching it settle on a high limb, turning its head and likely looking for an unsuspecting mouse to have for a snack.
I lean into Flame. “I’d forgotten how much I love the outdoors.”
“I’m sorry we held you so long in Freetown,” he says. “We were only trying to keep you safe.”
I squeeze his hand. “I wasn’t even thinking about that.” My captivity in Freetown is a small blip compared to most of my life. “When I lived at the palace, I did occasionally go out at night, but sometimes it feels as if I haven’t been outside for a hundred years. And as a little girl I wasn’t allowed to roam alone—not like this.”
“You’re not alone.” Flame looks at me quizzically.
“I know.” I laugh. “I guess what I mean is freely.”
“I get it.” He pulls up my hand and kisses my knuckles, one by one. “I spent a long time without freedom too.”
Feeling trapped and controlled by others, is something I very much have in common with all four of these men. Again, gratitude swells inside me that we found each other, and that not one but two of them loves me.
“This way.” Flame leads me through an area that’s dense with pine trunks, their lowest boughs many feet above Flame’s height. Then the woods clear, leaving only huge mounds of granite, decorated here and there with lichen, and leading down toward the shore.
Flame walks ahead, stepping from boulder to boulder. He turns to lift me off a high one, leaving his hands on my waist once I land in front of him. I lean into him, excited to feel the evidence of his arousal, and hoping that when he said he wanted to talk, he really meant sex.
Rising onto my toes, I lick my lips in anticipation, but he turns and leads me down to the shoreline. The moonlit water laps against the rocks. The sound is soothing, the ripples mesmerizing. If I stand here for too long, I might fall asleep. But remembering Phil’s plans to stay in the lake all night, I glance out, trying to spot him.
Flame’s hand traces down my arm. “Over here.”
I turn to see that he laid a blanket in front of a boulder that could easily act as a back rest, along with several cushions and a picnic basket.
“This is lovely. Thank you.” And the blanket and cushions reaffirm my suspicion, and hope, that what he’s really wanting is sex.
He shrugs. “It’s nothing, darling.”
My heart expands as he calls me that, and he helps me sit on the blanket before lowering himself next to me. I’m pleased to discover the blanket is atop of a spot of soft earth, not just hard granite, and I lean back against the boulder to look out over the lake.
Flame shifts to sit in front of me, blocking my view. Not that I mind. This view is spectacular too. Reaching out, I stroke his cheekbone and then trace the strong line of his jaw. All four of these men are by far the most handsome beings in creation, and desire bubbles inside me along with my gratitude.
Leaning forward, I plan to kiss him, but he puts his hands on my shoulders keeping me at arms distance.
“Darling…” his voice is a near growl “…if I kiss you right now, we won’t get the chance to talk.”
“I thought that was the idea.” Grinning, I let my hand slide from his jaw.
Then his neck flexes, as I trace the tendons housed there, loving how I feel the rush of blood beneath his skin as it responds to my touch. “What did you want to talk about?”
“I talked to Blade.”
I smile. Glad that he knows and doesn’t seem upset.
“I’m happy for you two. Glad you both finally admitted what was fucking obvious from the first day he saw you.” He grins and his broad smile and flashing eyes reveal none of the jealousy or hurt I feared.
“You’re okay with it?” I ask.
“Of course.” He shifts his position as if his nerves have returned. “But I want to talk about my feelings.” Looking up toward the sky, he shakes his head. “You’re gonna have to be patient.” His grinning eyes meet mine again. “I’ve barely figured out how to feel emotions, never mind talk about them.”