Page 45 of Princess Avenged

Blade breaks the kiss, and Ana pants as he slowly removes his shirt then his jeans, revealing hard muscles, covered in flawless brown skin. He moves like he’s on stage and performing a striptease for her. Perhaps the show’s for Flame too. He’s certainly watching, as his hands continue to explore Ana’s body as she leans back against him.

Blade lifts and spreads Ana’s legs, putting her body in a V-shape—her ass on the sofa’s arm, her upper body leaning back against Flame and her legs resting on Blade, who slides his hands slowly up and down them.

As Flame strokes the rest of her, Blade kisses one calf, then the other, and then proceeds to kiss and lick his way up the insides of both of her legs, moving slowly, alternating his attention between them and leaving her skin damp with saliva, her entire body pink with excitement.

Blade kneels as he continues to ravish her legs. Inch by inch, his mouth gets closer and closer to her sex. Her body’s pulsing with anticipation, and her need’s so strong I taste it in the air. My throat has gone dry even as I suck my cheeks to gather saliva along with the final residue from my feeding.

In one quick motion, Flame removes her dress and tosses it across the room. And then, as he continues to support her, his hands move with more urgency, touching and squeezing, stroking, gently pinching, as if he’s a sculptor and she’s clay.

Now kneeling in front of her, Blade bends his head toward her blood-swollen sex.

Moaning, she leans back against Flame as Blade hooks her legs over his shoulders to better make a meal of her. I can’t really see all he’s doing, but my cock pounds as I imagine her sweet taste on his tongue as he drinks her nectar.

Flame shifts one of his hands to her throat, and then to her chin as he guides her mouth toward his. They kiss as she leans back against him, the act more tender and gentler than I ever imagined Flame could manage. They nibble and lick, both clearly engrossed in the act as Blade mirrors the kiss between her legs.

Draped over Blade’s shoulders, Ana’s legs flex. Her body twists, and her hips press her sex more fully against his mouth. He holds onto her thighs, as if he fears she’ll fly up to the ceiling. His mouth unlatches, and he kisses her inner thighs, licking and kissing the skin I know is so soft there.

“Don’t stop,” she cries out to Blade. Flame’s kiss silences her for a second, but she breaks free again. “Please, Blade. I’m so close.”

Blade stands, his hands stroking her legs and lifting them. “Put her somewhere higher,” he commands.

Flame slides his hands under Ana’s legs, then he lifts and turns her to sit on the back of the sofa, as he continues to support her, one leg on the floor, the other kneeling on the sofa cushions.

Blade positions himself between Ana’s spread legs, and the pair tip her until she’s in a v-sit between them, her legs resting on Blade’s chest, her back against Flame, her ass barely perched on the back of the sofa.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” Blade says, his voice deeper than normal. “And I’m going to slice my cock into you slowly. In fact, it might take me days to get fully inside you.”

Her eyes widen, and her mouth opens, almost as if she’s about to object, but then she nods, looking into Blade’s eyes with so much affection it stabs into my heart. My cock screams for attention, and I realize I’ve been stroking myself through my jeans.

Shame fills me. I was already physically aroused from the feeding, and that’s grown by a factor of ten thousand since I’ve been watching this.

But I don’t deserve to feel pleasure right now. I don’t deserve a release. I don’t deserve any relief, no matter how badly I need it, no matter how hard my balls and heart ache.




My body is throbbing with pleasure, inside and out, but I need more—so much more. Today’s good news much outweighed the bad, and I want my body lifted as high as my mood. I want, I need, Blade and Flame to make me explode.

Blade’s mouth work was amazing—sucking and licking my clit, probing me with his long, clever tongue—but just as I was about to climax, he stopped, leaving me a compressed spring, tightly constrained and desperate to explode.

“Please,” I cry out. I was ridiculous to think I could drink blood without needing sex, especially given I fed next to Flame and Blade. My century of abstinence is long behind me.

Flame, supporting my vulnerable, unbalanced perch, continues to explore my body, touching me everywhere except the place I need him to most. And in front of me, Blade looks deeply into my eyes as his palms and fingers tease my spread legs, my ankles resting on his shoulders. The thin scars on Blade’s sharply drawn cheekbones reflect the light from above, filling me with awe and gratitude that this unbelievably handsome, unfailingly kind and gentle man is about to fuck me. I hope.

“Blade. Please.”

“Patience.” His voice penetrates my body, his tone deeper and more commanding than I’ve ever heard it, and he presses his hardness against my opening. “Soon you’ll feel the full length of my sword.”

His words come out more like a threat than a promise, and if I didn’t know Blade, I might fear that he planned to hurt me. But he won’t. He’d never.

During his training, the master ground Blade down, like steel on a whetting stone, honing him into a hard, sharp weapon ready to kill on command. But since I’ve known Blade, day by day, his razor-like edges have softened.

Blade is still a lethal weapon to be sure, still all man, but I can see deeper than that. I see the scared little boy inside who just wants to be loved. And I also see the man who desperately wants to give me pleasure right now, even as he forces me to wait, my opening pulsing against his equally throbbing head.

Looking into my eyes, Blade presses into me, and his cock breaches my entrance.