Four female humans enter the room. They’re attractive, I suppose, but appearances are irrelevant as long as they’re healthy. Besides, when it comes to looks, for me no one on earth can hold a candle to Ana.
“Where would you like us?” asks one woman who has a hint of a Romanian accent. Acting as spokeswoman, she seems to be the oldest of the foursome.
“Where would you be most comfortable?” I ask. “Once we’ve fed, you’ll all need to sleep.”
Ana stands. “Are there no attendants with you?”
“We each have an attendant,” the spokeswoman answers. “They’re stationed in the hall outside with transport chairs. Alert them once you’ve fed.”
“Splendid,” Ana says, and then turns toward Blade. “When I lived at the palace, my intimate was exclusive to me. I had, a series of intimates, of course, but they all chose to recover from feedings in my apartment. I believe this is the more common practice.”
“Your Highness,” the lead human bows slightly. “If you don’t mind me saying, I knew your most recent intimate very well. In fact, she helped train me.”
“Maria?” A wistful smile spreads on Ana’s face. “Have you heard from her? Is she well?”
“Very well, Your Highness. She’s settled in a city not far from here and is training to be a nurse.”
“A nurse.” A worried look crosses Ana’s face. “Is her pension inadequate?” Ana takes a step forward. “I’m sorry. I have not asked your name.”
“Crina,” the woman answers. “And to answer your question, Maria isn’t becoming a nurse for the money. She deeply misses caring for others.”
“Oh, I see.” A soft smile washes over Ana’s face. “If she’s happy, I’m very pleased.” Ana gestures around the room. “Do any of you ladies have a preference for whom you feed?”
The three in the back exchange looks I can’t quite read.
“I know these vampires are large,” Ana continues, “and they probably appear intimidating, but I am certain each of them will be gentle.” Taking on a stern expression, she looks between the three of us, basically telling us that we’d better be gentle. And of course we will be.
I clear my throat. “It is against our code to harm humans. And we will only take what blood we need.” I spread my legs. “In fact, I won’t feed. I’ll keep watch to ensure no harm comes to any of you.”
Two of the women exchange looks and giggle uncomfortably.
“That’s not necessary,” Crina says. “You require nourishment, and we are here to serve you.”
“Crusher.” Ana turns, looking at me fully for the first time in so long that her gaze singes my skin. “Don’t be foolish. We all need to feed. We don’t know when or where such a safe and easy opportunity will next arise.” She raises her chin. “Or perhaps you don’t plan to accompany the rest of us on this journey?”
I look down. She’s right, of course. And she’s being so formal with me again, so cold, as if we mean nothing to each other. Proof that I no longer mean anything to her, if I ever did, even if she will always mean everything to me.
I’ve had few regrets in my life, but keeping the truth about Timur’s death is my greatest. If I’d known how much she’d come to mean to me… How deeply I’d fall in love with her…
I shake my head. I couldn’t have possibly known that, when I made the decision to conceal the truth. I didn’t expect to fall in love with anyone. Not ever. The possibility never crossed my mind.
Ana beckons for Crina to join her on the large easy chair where she was seated before the women came in. Two of the other women rush toward Blade. The one who reaches him first beams like she just won a lottery, and the other one steps toward Flame. The last woman, an unusually tiny human, who doesn’t look much out of her teens, steps tentatively toward me.
“Are you certain about this?” I ask her when she’s about ten feet away.
“Certain about feeding you?” She takes another step forward. “Of course. It is my job.”
“How old are you?”
“I know I look young,” she says. “But I’m twenty-five and have been serving as a palace intimate since my eighteenth birthday. Since the day I was old enough to sign the contract.” Her face fills with obvious pride, melting the fear I thought I saw.
“My family has a long tradition of serving the palace.” She steps up beside me. Closer than she needs to be. “I know it’s forbidden,” she says very softly. “But if you would like anything from me beyond my blood…” She looks expectantly into my eyes, her offer clear.