“Better question,” the first soldier asks. “Who’s going to carry that massive fuck off this roof?” The last three vampires chuckle as they gather around the inert body.
“Leave him!” I shout.
“Who the fuck are you?” asks one, and I realize I lost the illusion and have slipped back into my own form.
The gathered three glare at me, but then one of them shrugs and gestures to the side. They leap into the elevator, leaving me alone on the rooftop with the dead vampire.
Using the big redhead’s form will gain me Anastasia’s trust. I may even stay in his form while I’m ramming inside her, something that will no doubt cause her pain all on its own, given the size of him. No need for a silver cock cage this time. At least not at first.
This vampire’s body looks even more powerful than the one I’m currently using.
The demon has grown quiet in my mind, but perhaps I can shift into the vampire’s form without the demon’s assistance.
The dead vampire yanks the bolt from his chest.
Startled, I stagger back
The doorbell rings, and I dash out of the bedroom, covering the distance to the apartment’s door in an instant and flinging it open.
Crusher’s on the other side. He’s devastated. Wrecked.
“What’s going on?” I long to hug him, but every signal his body gives off screams not to.
“Princess,” Crusher says formally. “I have difficult news.”
“What?” And why is he calling me princess? I thought we were long past formality.
He glances away. He’s hiding something. My heart races. “What’s going on? Where’s Phil?”
Is this a prank? Is Phil hiding? Peering into the hall, I look for my love. Do they think this is funny?
Taking a step back, Crusher spreads his legs and clasps his hands behind his back. Arriving behind me, Flame slides one of his arms over my shoulders, but I can barely feel its heat. Something is wrong, and I suspect Flame already knows what it is.
“Tell me.” All the air vacates my chest.
“Princess.” Shaking his head, Crusher looks into my eyes. “Ana, I have terrible news.” He glances down, then up again. “Phil is dead.”
This is a cruel joke.
Forcing a grin, I push past Crusher into the hall. Any second now, Phil will jump out, yell surprise and gather me into his massive arms. This is one of his jokes.
Spinning, I glance up and down the grand hall. Phil is large, but there are one or two pieces of furniture he might be able to crouch behind.
“Okay. Ha, ha!” I call out. “Very funny. Phil, you can come out now.” I’m all for a good prank, but given the danger Phil was facing, their telling me he’s dead is taking it way too far.
“Princess.” Crusher places his hand on my shoulder, and I spin toward him.
“This isn’t funny.” I shake my head, barely able to breathe now. “Where is he?”
I turn toward Flame, but he’s looking at the floor. “I can’t believe you’re going along with this.” Breaking away from Crusher, I take one of Flame’s hands.
His gaze lifts to meet mine, and my heart falls out of my chest. The intense pain in Flame’s icy-blue eyes rips into my soul.