Page 22 of Princess Avenged

I lift my gaze to my adoptive father’s eyes, full of concern and as blue as the winter skies I remember from childhood.

“What’s wrong, my daughter.”

“Oh, Father.” Wrapping my arms around him, I press my cheek against the velvet of his ceremonial robe. He must have come from a formal meeting.

My heart is beating at triple the rate of his, and hearing and feeling the strong, slow throb of my father’s heart, helps to calm me. “Do you have time to talk?” I ask softly.

“Time? For you, Ana? Always.” Using a bent finger under my chin, he raises my gaze to meet his. again.

Then, taking my hand, he leads me down the hall. Stopping, he opens a solid oak door that takes us into a small sitting room I haven’t been inside for years. Many decades ago, when I was attending The Academy, I’d often join him here at the end of my school days, telling him about all I’d learned. He’d often quiz me on vampiric law and history. The memories warm my heart, and gratitude swells for this man who provided a parental influence, a sense of family, at a time in my life when I most needed one.

At the room’s side, a fire is burning in the fireplace, and the walls are still painted steel blue with gold trim. The familiarity of the space is beyond comforting. The two knights stay outside in the hall, and Dunkan leads me toward two large club chairs placed in front of the fireplace. Gesturing toward one for me, he lowers his large body into the other.

The chairs are huge. Resting my hands on its arms, I push myself up and land cross-legged on the chair’s cushion.

A wave of grief slams my chest. How did I never notice Dunkan’s resemblance to Phil? Dunkan has Phil’s broad shoulders and rugged, freckled complexion, but with Flame’s wavy, blond hair and bright blue eyes. And the king has Blade’s kindness and intelligence, along with Crusher’s commanding aura and confidence.

A deep longing opens inside me.

I push it down. Whatever happened between me and those four men is over. Although, I suppose I am grateful for much of what happened between us. And letting in that feeling amplifies my gratitude for the king.

My adoptive father saved my life. King Dunkan is the reason I am alive to enjoy all the privileges I have. And looking at him now, so handsome and regal, so kind and concerned about me, reaffirms my life’s purpose. The purpose I almost let myself ignore.

From here forward, I will dedicate my life to public service, just like he has. I will give all my time to helping vampirekind, especially furthering my father’s cause of easing relations between vampires and humans. I’m so proud to know this bold and strong vampire sitting across from me. So grateful to call him father.

After all he’s given me, I have no business wanting anything else than to follow in his footsteps. He has never taken a mate. I don’t need one either.

“Anastasia, what is troubling you?” Dunkan’s large hands slide over the dark leather on his chair’s arms. “Selina tells me you’ve fallen in love?”

Grief again grips my throat, but I draw a deep breath to banish it, finding the strength I know is inside me.

“False alarm.” I smile.

His head cocks to the side. “What do you mean?”

I shake my head. “I thought I might be falling in love.” I look down. “But the man I declared my love to is gone.”

“Ana, I am so sorry.”

I shrug as if it’s no big deal. As if gone doesn’t mean dead.

Sliding toward me, Dunkan takes one of my hands between his. “Ana, I can see that you’re hurting, and I’ve yet to see you in person since Timur was killed. I was so sorry to hear what happened. Have the vampires responsible been brought to justice?”

He thinks I mean Timur. He thinks I declared my love to Timur.

I turn away, unable to face his probing blue eyes with this misunderstanding between us. I’m ashamed that a very big part of me doesn’t want to set him straight, but lying would make me a massive hypocrite, especially right now.

“I didn’t love Timur.” I turn toward him. “Well, I did love Timur, but I wasn’t in love with him. Not in a romantic way.”

Nodding, Dunkan shifts back in his seat. “I always suspected that he loved you, though.”

I nod. “He confessed as much, while we were traveling to Philadelphia.”

“I see.”

I swallow the lump in my throat along with some conflicted feelings. I do not want to discuss with my father everything that happened between Timur and me—I’m not even sure if the king knows that Timur wasn’t really a eunuch—and I definitely do not want to touch on my sexual awakening after I was taken by the brothers. But I also can’t leave him hanging.

“What has you so troubled today?” he asks, after giving me some time.