They start thrusting again, moving in opposition this time, and my body swings like a pendulum between them. As one retreats, the other drives in deeply, and this feels even better. Although it’s beyond impossible to measure one moment over another. Each second of this experience has gone far beyond any pleasure I could ever imagine.
Untwining my fingers from Blade’s, I twist my upper body slightly so that I can see them both at the same time, and they’re looking at each other now as they take turns pushing inside me, almost as if it’s a contest of who can go deeper. Who can make me feel more.
But despite the undeniable power and depth of their thrusts, they’re still moving slowly, carefully, clearly more concerned about my pleasure than their own, and wanting this to last as long as I do, preferably for the rest of our lives.
Resting my hands on their chests, I close my eyes, letting my body drift on the two penetrating sticks of heaven, my pleasure cresting even higher as I concentrate on nothing beyond the friction, nothing beyond the fullness and the love I feel between us.
A sound in the woods distracts me.
Opening my eyes, I spot Crusher.
He’s standing about fifty yards away from us, watching. And the pain and longing on his face nearly breaks me in two.
He’s keeping his promise to protect me from Phil, even if it means having to watch this display. Watch what I’ve told him he can never have again. Not with me.
Crusher told me he loved me, and looking into his eyes right now, even across this great distance, I see that his feelings haven’t changed. His love, combined with his obvious need for me, dissolves my resolution.
Denying Crusher sexual pleasure seems cruel. Plus… The thought of his thick cock inside me, perhaps pounding into me from behind as the other men hold me…
“Join us,” I mouth on an exhale. It’s not even a whisper, but I can tell that he hears me.
The powerful vampire is one hundred percent tuned into me, and his reaction to my invitation reflects in his reaction.
“What?’ Flame asks, just as Blade, says, “Who?”
I nod toward Crusher.
A smile spreads over Flame’s face, making me even more certain this is a good idea.
But Crusher frowns. His eyes fill with confusion that overtakes the longing and desire. Still, he walks slowly toward us.
Blade and Flame pick up their pace and vigor, clearly thinking this round of our love making might soon end and wanting to milk every last piece of enjoyment.
“Together,” Flame cries out.
Their rhythm changes, both pushing into me at the same time, and their powerful hips buck with so much speed and force I can barely keep my eyes focused on Crusher as he approaches.
But he continues to walk forward as the other two thrust, and although it’s hard to believe there’s room inside me for anything beyond intense pleasure, gratitude explodes to occupy every last part of my heart. I have four men who love me.
One is in dire danger, but the other three are with me now, and to want more than that seems greedy.
Absorbing the increasingly powerful thrusts, I close my eyes, willing my body to achieve a release that refuses to come. I’m far to overstimulated right now.
Hands land on either side of my face, warm and heavy.
My eyes open to see Crusher standing there, tenderly holding my face and looking into my eyes as Blade and Flame slam their cocks into me, pumping hard and deep, over and over, moving so quickly now it’s like one continuous penetration. My insides burn from the friction and sexual pleasure.
“I do want you,” Crusher says softly. “You must know how badly I want you.”
I try to smile, but I have no control over any part of my body right now, and there’s no possibility of speaking.
“I love you, Ana,” Crusher says. “I will always love you. Deeply. And I would do anything for you. I would kill for you. I would die for you.”
I nod, or try to, but I suspect my head’s moving in time with the powerful thrusts.
“But there is one thing I will not do.” Crusher’s eyes fill with sadness. “I will not make love to you again. Not until I regain your trust.”
Flame and Blade both come. Their seed erupts inside me, stealing my attention, and consuming every one of my senses.