“Oh!” My head tips back against Flame’s chest at the stabbing pain. It’s almost like Blade is a sharp instrument slicing me in two. But the pain quickly passes, and he rests just inside me.
He remains perfectly still, stretching my opening and breathing heavily as he looks deeply into my eyes.
My body molds around the intrusion, quickly recovering from the initial stab. And then he presses forward again, and then again. Each time, he pulls back before pushing further in, and his invasion is progressing so slowly it feels like he’s entering me a millimeter at a time. But each minuscule progression conquers a new frontier of nerves inside me.
“You good, darling?” Flame asks from behind, and I look up into his adoring blue eyes.
Blade presses forward, and I gasp. “So good.”
If I ever doubted Flame’s attraction or affection, I couldn’t begin to deny it now. Flame’s looking at me like I’m the most precious thing in the world, something to cherish and protect—perhaps worship. But the moment that thought enters my mind I want to banish the claim. I’m being presumptuous, and conceited. But the longer I look into Flame’s eyes the more my thoughts seem understated.
Continuing his agonizingly slow advance, Blade slides another quarter of an inch inside me, and I direct my gaze back to him. Another wave of emotion washes through me, simultaneously delivered by Blade’s eyes and his cock, and it fills me with so much warmth and pleasure I feel ready to burst. I wanted to have sex without emotions today, but that’s proving impossible. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I still care for these men, and it’s clear how much they care for me too.
Blade’s moving unbearably slowly, pausing often, and yet his stiffness is twitching, moving even as he holds himself still, like his cock is a divining rod, seeking out my inner depths, telling him when and where to drill.
Flame’s fingers start drawing circles low on my belly, his tempo matching the slow pace of Blade’s cock’s invasion, and I close my eyes, yielding to their luxurious pace, giving over my body and mind to these men—fully accepting whatever it is they want to do to me, and however they want to do it, and Blade gets deeper and deeper and deeper.
Blade’s balls brush against my ass as he lands deeply inside me, filling me beyond capacity. My eyes snap open.
He starts to move, thrusting fully in and out of me now, but a million times more slowly than he’s ever fucked me before. The muscles in his torso ripple as he moves, his body like a strong, supple bow, like a wave, like a dancer. His entire body undulates as it glides his hardness in and out of me, his movements gentle, but the building friction and pressure almost vicious.
Flame’s fingers part my folds, exposing my clit to the air. And it improves my view of Blade’s hard, beautiful cock as it slides into me, over and over and over. Tipping back my head I notice Flame’s eyes, too, are focused on the junction of penetration, on my damp sex being drilled by his brother, my juices glistening on Blade’s cock.
Flame’s finger lightly touches my clit.
I buck. Flame takes his finger away, then returns it, then takes it away again. Over and over, he flicks my tender nub when I least expect it, heightening all the pleasure being delivered by Blade’s long cock. I can no longer feel the edge of the sofa under my ass. I’m not even sure it’s still under me as the two men support me between them, working together to give me more pleasure than I ever imagined could come from such tender movements.
I’m right on the edge again. So close that the explosion might literally kill me if I don’t climax, and soon.
“I need to be inside one of you.” Flame says from behind me, his voice tight. He rubs my clit, then shifts his finger away, forever denying me what I most need.
“Her,” Blade says softly, and then looks into my eyes. “That okay with you?”
I nod. It’s hard to imagine anything these men could do that wouldn’t be okay with me right now.
Closing my eyes at the pleasure, I feel like I’m floating, and then realize we have moved. Without releasing me, Flame has somehow climbed over the back of the sofa and is now standing behind me, supporting me, as Blade continues to thrust gloriously slowly inside me.
“You okay with both of us at once?” Flame asks, and I moan my consent.
Blade offers his wrist to Flame who quickly gathers some blood, and then I feel its intense heat and stimulation, as he presses his blood-tipped cock against my back entrance.
“Go slow,” Blade says, and my body clenches around him. I love this assertive side of Blade, and how it contrasts with the gentle way he’s making love to me. Making love, because the word fuck doesn’t remotely describe what’s going on between us. It’s hard to think back to the first time Blade was inside me. How forcefully he took me from behind, how detached he was, and how it was Flame who taught Blade how to give me pleasure.
Buried inside me, Blade stops thrusting, and he slides my legs off his shoulders, hooking my knees over his arms. Even though Blade’s no longer thrusting, the change in angle makes me gasp.
Then Flame pushes the tip of his cock inside my ass, and my gasp turns into a yelp.
“Easy, easy.” Blade frees one of his hands to stroke my cheek as he looks lovingly into my eyes. My freed leg dangles, but I still feel fully supported between them, and doubly impaled.
Flame hisses, like water on a hot surface, as he continues to work his way deeper and deeper inside me, using Blade’s blood for lubrication. Slowly, he slides in and out, letting me adjust to the increased fullness.
I’ve had two of them inside me before—even three—but this time feels different. It’s more tender for sure, but also more intimate, so much more intimate, as if the men are literally plunging into the true depths of my soul.
Fully in now, Flame’s hips press against my ass, and I turn slightly in their arms putting one hand on each of their shoulders, so I can see both of their faces at once. I love how they’re both fully inside me. How are three bodies are joined as one.
Flame slides his arm under my free leg, and now they’re holding me between them, fully impaled and immobile. But although I can’t really move, an enormous power surges inside me, like all the strength from both men has become part of me, their heat and possession seared into my body forever.
Slowly, they start to move again, their hips pulling back and pressing forward, their cocks stimulating every cell in my body, as their rods slide against each other’s inside me.