Page 37 of Princess Avenged

“With each new host,” Blade continues, “the demon gains more power. In a nutshell, this type of demon feeds on the pain of others. Intense pain. And the more energy it gains, the more influence it has over its host—and over others.”

A shiver traces through me, wondering how many hosts the demon had before Rasputin, and who it’s inside now. “So, how do we kill it?”

“We do not know all those details yet,” Zuben answers, “but there is more you should know.”

I shift on the sofa, squirming from the anxiety buzzing through my body. It’s difficult to listen when I want to act. Act on getting Phil here—or going to him—if he refuses to come here. Act on getting this demon out of this realm forever. Act on killing the demon myself, if I must.

Flame squeezes my shoulders to get my attention. Looking into his compassionate eyes, I calm myself enough to concentrate. These men want the same things I do.

“Continue,” I tell Blade and Zuben. “I apologize for the interruption.”

Blade offers a shaky smile, and a light of realization goes on inside me. Blade is terrified. They all are. And these men aren’t easily frightened.

My belly tightens. My own confused emotions blocked my ability to sense what they’re going through. “Please.” I look between Blade and Zuben. “Tell me everything you know. No matter how bad.”

Blade swallows, his Adam’s apple visibly bobbing. “As we said, this demon feeds on intense pain.” He winces. “You already witnessed that firsthand.”

I nod. It clearly enjoyed hurting me, I just didn’t understand why.

“While the demon can feed off the pain of anyone—or anything,” Zuben adds, “the pain of females is what it most craves. And once the demon marks its target, it craves pain inflicted in a particular way, on that particular female.”

“On me.” I say darkly. “It craves my pain.” An anvil of fright lands on my chest as the words escape. I’m the marked one. I’m the particular female whose pain the demon craves.

Blade nods.

“Why me?”

“Based on what Blade and I have researched and discussed,” Zuben answers, “it is likely that Rasputin was the one who chose you. Perhaps not fully understanding all the implications.” He leans forward. “I gather you were very young when he marked you.” Compassion flashes in his eyes. “Once you were chosen, you became the demon’s main target.”

My belly tightens. “What does it want from me?”

Flame presses his leg against mine, and his strength and heat penetrate the icy chill that’s invaded my body.

“Pain,” Zuben answers flatly. “It wants your pain. Intense pain, preferably pain inflicted through violent sexual acts. Also, through multiple rapid pregnancies and excruciating childbirths.”

Flame’s hand tightens around my shoulders, and rage invades Phil’s image on the screen. His fists are so tight his fingers are going to break.

A memory flashes. “While Rasputin held me captive, he said he wanted to plant his seed inside me.” I’m not sure if I shared this detail in the past.

“Yes, the seed of evil.” Zuben leans toward the camera. “Once born, the demon’s spawns will walk this realm without a host. The spawns will gestate and age rapidly—going from conception to full maturity in a few months. Each time you give birth, the demon will impregnate you again. And each spawn will sire many children of their own. The demon and its descendants will soon control all of humanity.”

“Control them how?” My chest is so tight, my words are barely audible.

“Influence humans to torture each other. To commit despicable, unthinkable acts. This hatred and cruelty will rapidly spread around the earth. Our world as we know it will devolve into what some religions call Hell.”

I remember the images I saw in that book, and my mind swirls. Now dizzy, I fight to concentrate, to understand, to try to compartmentalize myself from this problem. This is only another diplomatic issue I need to solve. I must ignore that I’m at its center.

“So, if I understand,” I say as calmly as I can muster. “As long as I don’t get pregnant… I mean, it’s very difficult for vampires to bear children.” A sharp stab of sadness strikes. I’ve never thought about having children—not since I was one myself—but I suddenly realize that children were part of my imagined future with these men.

Blade turns away, and I get a feeling he’s thought about having children too.

“Your Highne—” Zuben cuts himself off. “Ana.” He clears his throat. “Impregnating you will not be difficult for the demon, and I’m afraid that’s not the only risk. Even without planting its seed, this demon has already grown more powerful than described in any of the texts. With each life it takes, it gains fuel and can grant its hosts more abilities. And we have no idea how much power it has gained through possessing a vampire—” He stops short.

“Possessing Diederik, you mean.”

Zuben nods stiffly.

“We’ve seen how easily the demon’s host can imitate the dead,” Blade interjects. “And Phil and Crusher saw it control the minds of the living.” He turns toward Phil on the screen.