Entering the next area of the club, I spot an empty sofa near the side of the room and head toward it. Red lights shine down from above, and one of the staff is cleaning the leather, likely ridding it of whatever bodily fluids the last occupants left behind.
The staff person, a baby vampire dressed in a tight t-shirt and even tighter jeans, turns toward me as he finishes. Sucking in a sharp breath, he falls back onto the sofa, but bounces up just as quickly.
“All yours, sir.” He gestures to the newly cleaned furniture as he steps to the side. “Please, let me know if I can get you anything.”
Nodding, I grunt. Getting out of my face is what I want him to do but verbalizing that seems rude.
Dropping to the cushions, I set the bottle and glass on the marble side table. When did I get so concerned about the feelings of strangers? The feelings of anyone, really? I don’t even give a shit about my own feelings.
I shake my head. I know exactly when I started giving a shit. Everything’s changed since I met her.
I pull the cork from the bottle and fill the glass. My plan was to guzzle however many bottles of scotch it might take to quiet this demon, but I should take my time tasting this one. At least at first. I probably should have asked for some water to help open its flavors.
Raising the glass to my nose. I inhale the smoky, sweet scent. Okay, this whiskey does not need a drop of water to be perfect.
Taking a mouthful, I let it sit for a moment before swallowing. Fucking awesome. I wish Ana could taste it. Fuck.
Closing my eyes, I down the rest of the glass in one gulp, and then slump back as the alcohol flows through my bloodstream, carried from there to penetrate every cell in my body. Not wanting to lose the feeling, I open my eyes to pour another glass, quickly downing it too. Then, I sit back to let my muscles loosen from the tightly wound state they’ve been in since…since…
It’s been ages since I’ve felt anything even close to relaxed. The last time… Fuck. The last time I felt relaxed was after Ana and I fucked for hours and hours and hours on end.
Find her. Fuck her again.
The voice penetrates my few seconds of peace. But this time I’m not certain whether the voice was the demon’s or my own. In this regard, we want the same thing.
Skipping the middleman, I drop the empty glass onto the table, pick up the bottle and take a long drink. Resting the bottle on my thigh, I close my eyes again, enjoying the moment of bliss, even though I know it won’t last.
Vampires metabolize everything quickly—including alcohol—so to survive this night, I’m going to need a bottle at my lips at all times. If this is my life going forward, I suppose I’m glad to have started it with such a fine intoxicant.
Without opening my eyes, I raise the bottle to take another long drink. I’m going to need a second bottle, and a third, but I’ll go to a different bartender so that poor soul won’t think I’ve come back to see them.
“Phil.” A voice drifts into my mind. For a split second I think the demon’s voice has changed to a female’s and is using my name.
Opening my eyes, I blink a few times before my eyes and brain coordinate enough to remember the approaching woman.
“Julia, right?” I say. It’s Crusher’s contact at DEFTA. The one who met with us at that Irish pub, before Diederik showed up.
“Can I sit?” she asks.
I nod, and then take another long drink of the whiskey, settling the bottle back down on my thigh.
My manners kick in. “Want some?”
She shakes her head.
Good, because I really don’t want to share.
Julia bends one leg up onto the sofa as she turns toward me. “Clearly the rumors of your death have been grossly exaggerated.” She grins. “I’m glad to see that.”
I shrug, then add, “Thanks.” I raise the bottle between us, like a toast, then drain all but the last couple of inches
“Doesn’t look like you’re very happy to be alive,” she says.
“It’s…it’s complicated.”
Empathy wafts off her—I recognize such things in others now—but then her eyes change. She wants to talk about something.
“What can I do for you?” I ask.