“Good. Grab your stuffy and hold the cardigan. Hopefully that’ll stop a scream from her.”
“Yeah.” Cole pulled the stuffed toy from his vest then grabbed the cardigan from the strap of his holster, where he’d stuck it. He took his gun out along with the items, keeping the personal ones in his left hand and his weapon pointed at the ground in his right.
“Go. I’ll update the others. They should be close now.”
Cole gave a brisk nod then stalked to the side door. As he peeled open the wood, the hinges creaked and his body coiled with tension.
Part of him hoped a sonofabitch child abuser would pop out and give him a reason to blow someone’s brains out early.
No one came.
He entered the barn. The stench of manure, hay, and dust lingered in the air, tickling his nose. He moved toward the hall and scanned the space in both directions before heading toward Bella’s stall. He walked on the balls of his feet, his footsteps silent on the cement floor scattered with hay.
He paused outside her stall.
If he went in with his gun in view, she might be even more freaked out. But walking around unarmed wasn’t smart either.
Mumbling a curse, he tucked the weapon that was more like another appendage into the waistband of his pants. He’d take his chances and hope to hell he could get her to go with him sooner rather than later. Besides, Dallas was covering him, and his other nitwit brothers would be here soon.
Holding Honey Funny in one hand and the cardigan in the other, he entered the stall.
Bella gasped as he rounded the corner. Her tear-filled eyes stretched wide, and she gasped and scooted against the wall.
“Hey,” he said softly, as he knelt. “Remember this?” He showed her the stuffy.
Wary, terrified blue eyes locked on the animal, and then recognition sparked in them. She didn’t come closer but instead swung her gaze to his face with trepidation.
Smart kid.
“My name’s Cole. I’m a friend of your mommy’s. She asked me to bring you home. Is that okay?”
Bella’s eyes narrowed. “You look like them.” Her gaze flitted toward the door. She meant the men who’d taken her.
Disgust roiled in his stomach. Jesus, kids had a way of damaging the fucking soul. He glanced down at his tatted arms and grimaced. “You’re right. I probably don’t look like I’d be your mom’s friend. But here.” He thrust the sweater forward. “She’s not far. Waiting in the woods out there.”
Her little lip trembled as she hugged Sophia’s cardigan to her cheek. Tears poured out of her eyes, and her face pinched with misery. “I want Mommy.”
His heart constricted, and he held out the stuffy. “I think this animal missed you.”
She nodded and finally reached for the animal tentatively. Then she greedily brought the mouse to her nose.
Cole held his finger to his lips. “Your mom told me your secret password—baby blues.”
Bella’s lip stopped shaking and her mouth formed a large O. She blinked. Her long eyelashes were a copy of Sophia’s. “Mommy really did send you.”
“Cross my heart.” He made an X over his chest.
She swallowed and wiped her face. Dirt and moisture marred her little cheeks. She lifted her hand. A rope circled her wrist and was secured to the wall.
He reached for his knife but stopped. He still needed to tread carefully. “I’m going to cut you loose, okay? And then we’re going to get out of here.”
She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Okay.”
He shuffled forward, flicking out his knife but holding it far away from her until he got close enough to reach her hand. “This won’t hurt.” He brought the blade between the rope and her skin and sliced.
The rope fell away, revealing a red indent and chafed flesh. He pressed his tongue to the back of his teeth to stop the curses that would surely scare the shit outta the girl.
“Dude,” Dallas said, through the earpiece. “Let’s get moving.”