Page 57 of Marked

Heat flamed Sophia’s cheeks. She swallowed, but it did nothing to extinguish the flames inside her. Cole’s lingering gaze had struck her, and if things were different between them, if Bella weren’t missing, she’d be tempted to acknowledge her own desire for the hunk of male that was Cole. But things weren’t different. They were very much black-and-white, and she’d do herself a favor by keeping it that way.

“Well, he might be attracted to me, but I’m sure he’s attracted to anyone with boobs.”

Rather than laugh, Lexi crinkled her lip. “I don’t want to think about Cole’s sex life, but I know one thing for sure—he’s never brought another woman around... never gotten wrapped up in another woman’s personal life. He’s very disconnected in that sense. Or at least he was.”

Lexi’s words chipped away at the little wall of armor Sophia had built around herself to keep Cole out.

The wall was falling.

Lexi’s phone vibrated on the dash, and she dove for it. “It’s Nash. Thank god.” She turned the screen to face Sophia.

All guards are done. Moving in.

If the guards had been taken out that meant Cole was close to Bella. She exhaled and opened the door to the vehicle. “I’m sorry, I can’t sit still any longer.”

The cool night air kissed her cheeks, and she heaved one breath after another. The scent of dill pickle chips still clung to the air around her. Nausea so strong pooled at the back of her throat, and she pinched the bridge of her nose and paced over fern leaves and mulch.

Please, God. Let Cole succeed. Bring my baby home...

She vowed that if Bella survived, she’d never take anything for granted again. She’d never get frustrated about the strewn clothes around her daughter’s room, about the pieces of paper she loved to cut into a million tiny pieces of confetti, about the water all over the bathroom after Bella decided her dolls needed a swim in the sink. She’d take it all. Every frustrating moment, every tantrum. Every tear of a maxed-out single mom.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and this time she didn’t even try to stifle them. Her fingers shook as she held her face, more prayers falling silently from her lips.

If Cole didn’t bring Bella back, she was done. Shit would hit the fan and whoever had Bella would retaliate and... oh, God. If—

A hand touched her shoulder. Her bubble of despair burst.

Sophia spun around. Lexi stood inches away, her face pinched with concern and sympathy. Without saying a word, she leaned in and pulled Sophia into a hug.

Slowly, Sophia put her arms around her.

“It’s going to be okay.” Lexi’s voice was firm. “I know it in my heart. Cole’s never let anyone down, and he sure isn’t going to let anything happen to a little girl.” She pulled away and met Sophia’s gaze. “I promise.”

Lexi’s faith in Cole eased some of the tremors of terror wanting to take over Sophia’s body. At the end of the day, she didn’t know Cole. But something—maybe blind faith or sheer desperation—something made her hold Lexi’s words close.

He had to follow through. Just had to.


Cole pressed his back to the barn’s wooden exterior. Hell, it was more like three barns combined. And there was only one reason child traffickers would need that much space.

Fresh rage tinged the edges of his vision red. He blinked and forced down the anger.

He had to get Bella out.

Then he could slaughter these motherfuckers.

Dare’s voice came through the earpiece. “You in position?”

“Yes,” Cole replied, his voice barely a whisper.

“Good. Just listen then. Nash and I are entering the bunkhouse. As soon as we sweep it, we’ll head there—”

“I’m not waiting.” Their strategy had been for everyone to move in together, but fuck that. Urgency bit at the nape of his neck, telling him Bella needed out now. It’d be hard enough to convince a terrified four-year-old to go with him anyway.

“Dude. You know the fucking play,” Nash hissed in his ear.

“Change of plans.” He moved close to one of the windows. The wooden flaps over it were closed tightly. Sliding his fingers underneath the lip, he tugged. Locked.