A cry broke through her lips as he folded her into his arms. She’d already given him the whole story. If she had to repeat it one more time she might just die on the spot.
“It’s okay,” he said soothingly. “It’s okay. We’ll find her.”
She nodded, but the pit in her stomach denied his promise. Her police training told her that every second that went by without a clue, without a sighting, without a shred of evidence meant Bella might not be found alive—if she was even found at all.
A deep keen erupted from her throat, and her knees buckled. Bart held fast, keeping her from hitting the ground. “Have you eaten? Had anything to drink?”
She shook her head. “I can’t.”
“You have to.”
“Bella will be thirsty. And hungry. I can’t eat when I know she needs to.” Tears leaked out of her eyes.
Bart mumbled something next to her ear, but it didn’t register. He shook her shoulders. “Let’s sit. At least have some water. You need to keep up your strength.” With his arm wrapped around her shoulders, he led her over the grass to the playground. Leaving her on a bench, he went to his car and then came back with two water bottles.
Cracking one open, he passed it to her and sat. For a flicker of an instant, regret surrounded her. Maybe if she and Bart had stayed together this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe they’d have taken that job he’d wanted in Chicago and this whole nightmare would have happened to someone else.
Guilt rushed in after that thought, but she pushed it away. She wouldn’t wish kidnapping on any child, but God, she’d do anything for it to not be Bella.
Why her?
The question stabbed her heart for the millionth time in the last several hours. Why Bella? Why not any of the other kids?
A sickening sensation started in her chest. There was only one explanation. One she hadn’t been letting herself explore.
Now, the hope of finding Bella in the early hours after the disappearance was gone. She had to look at every angle. At every suspect.
At everyone who was connected to them.
“I hate to ask this...” Bart began. He didn’t need to finish the statement. His mind had always worked along the same lines and at the same speed as hers. But he asked anyway. “What case are you working on? Is there anyone who might be targeting you through her?”
Bart worked in family law. If Bella’s disappearance was connected with anyone’s career, it was Sophia’s.
Which meant the kidnapper could be the man who’d stood in her bedroom last night.
Had to be.
Sucking back half the bottle of water, she stood. “I’m going to find out.”
Sophia’s body shook violently as she stormed up the stairs of Cole’s building. She’d flashed her badge at one of the exiting residents to gain entry.
She was ridiculous for coming here without backup.
Ridiculous for thinking he’d be home, or that he’d keep Bella here.
But dammit, she was losing her mind. If there was even a slight chance Cole had taken Bella, she couldn’t sit by and wait for a freaking warrant. With her gun drawn, she approached apartment 208. Raising a balled fist, she pounded on the wooden door. “Police! Open up!”
For a fraction of a second her career flashed before her eyes. Insisting on entry without cause or a warrant could be the end of her livelihood, but not getting Bella back would kill her.
The soft padding of footsteps reached the door, and she’d bet her life Cole was looking at her through the peephole.
“Open up before I shoot!”
A beat passed and the clink of metal sounded, followed by a lock unsnapping. Then another. At least she knew she was at the right place. Only an assassin would have that many locks on his door.
The wood swung open and Cole stood in bare feet wearing loose, low-riding gray sweatpants and no shirt. Every muscle in her body tensed as he stared at her with loathing. “I see you still can’t take a fucking hint.”