The large stone building came into view. Sophia turned into the parking lot and followed the driveway to the back.
Shoot. It’d be a little hard for Kenneth to watch what went down without entering the parking lot and drawing Markie’s attention. She itched to call him to suggest he watch from on foot, but Markie’s form stepped out from behind a large tree.
Kenneth was smart. He’d figure out a way to keep her in his sights safely. She unbuckled her seatbelt and exited the car, sending a glance toward the way she’d come. No sign of Kenneth, but he was supposed to be hidden.
Lifting a hand in greeting, she headed across the grass. Trees swayed in the brush that backed the church, reminding her of the dense forest. The muscles around her heart pinched. Keeping her hands loosely at her sides but ready to draw her weapon, she approached Markie.
He sucked on a cigarette. His long blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his eyes were bloodshot. His gaze darted around the landscape as if he expected someone to jump out at any minute.
She forced a smile. “Well, I’m here. What do you have?”
He pulled the tobacco stick from his mouth and blew out a chalky cloud of smoke. “Shit’s getting real, you know? I think they know I’m talkin’ to you. They’re gonna kill me.”
She nodded and forced a note of calm into her voice. “I agree we have to get you to safety. But I can’t do that without some information. You need to give me something I can take back to my boss to convince him to put you in witness protection. You said you had something good.” Irritation collected at the back of her neck.
He’d better not have brought her here for no reason.
He flicked the end of his cigarette and ashes fluttered to the ground. “I got something good all right. Found out who one of the big bosses in the child-trafficking ring is.” His gaze shot to hers, a little less paranoia clouding his irises now. “Someone in the police department.”
She rocked onto her toes. Holy shit. Fear rattled her spine. “You’ve got proof?”
Scenarios whirred through her mind. Someone inside the police department. No wonder they hadn’t found the farm before Cole. Nausea expanded in her gut, and the urge to vomit took hold. Still keeping her arms close to her sides so she could grab her gun if needed, she fought to keep bile from rising up.
Someone who worked with her could have been involved in Bella’s kidnapping. Unless Markie was lying, or his source wasn’t reliable.
Markie’s gaze wandered over her shoulder, and then he jerked his head toward the church. “Let’s get out of sight.”
She followed him. A few feet from the building, he stopped and dug out his phone from his pocket. He turned the device to face her. A video filled the screen.
“That’s him. Dude in the suit.” Markie pointed to the inch-high man on the left side of the phone. She couldn’t make out his face, but Cole could surely blow up the image. “He showed up at the warehouse late last night. I’d never seen him before. Probably had no choice but to get involved, since so many guys died at the farm.”
Sophia squinted then shook her head. “You need to send that to me. It’s too difficult to make him out.”
“Sure.” Markie tapped his phone, and a minute later Sophia’s dinged. Without wasting a second, she confirmed it was his message then emailed it to Cole. “Thanks. I’ll keep you posted, but if we can—”
The gunshot made her jump, and a shriek ripped from her throat. Markie’s head snapped backward and blood exploded from the side of it.
Sophia dove her hand into her holster and wheeled around.
A black device connected with the side of her neck and snaps and sizzles fired through her brain. Her throat spasmed around a scream, but only a gurgling sound came out. All her muscles went limp, and her weapon slipped from her fingers.
Terror filled her mouth as her eyes rolled back in her head. Darkness claimed her consciousness.
Cole glanced at his watch.
Sophia should be done with her meeting by now.
Dammit, he needed to tell her he’d confirmed Adrian Larsh’s involvement.
She’d probably want to go the legal route though.
Her way would take time. His way was a hell of a lot more efficient. As he scooped up his phone, the device dinged in his hand. An email—from Sophia.