Page 7 of Marked

The chair across from Sophia scraped against the floor, and she looked up as Tara sat. The young woman’s skin had paled a shade or two, and her perky smile appeared screwed on. Sophia tucked that information away.

“What can I do for you, Detective?”

Sophia gave her a tense smile. “I need to ask you some questions about a customer who visited your store last...” She glanced at her notebook, even though she’d committed the date and time to memory. “Monday, around 10:00 p.m. Do you remember who closed that day?”

Tara shifted in her seat. “Uh, I did.”

Sophia jotted that down. “And your last name, Tara?”

“Williams.” The woman licked her lips—another sign of nervousness. Didn’t mean she was guilty of anything, but nonetheless, it was interesting.

Sophia pinned her gaze on the woman who couldn’t be much older than mid-twenties. “All right.” She opened the envelope and thrust a black-and-white photo across the table. The image was of a man who looked a hell of a lot like Cole exiting the café with a blonde woman—likely Tara.

Tara’s brown eyes rounded, and her body turned rigid.

“Tara, this man is wanted for murder. Multiple murders, actually. He’s a very dangerous criminal and, if I’m not mistaken, his name is Cole Holmes. Can you confirm that?”

Tara’s lip trembled and her eyes turned glassy. “M-Murder?”

“Yes. We believe he was involved in the murder at O’Talley’s Tavern two nights ago.”

Tara gasped. “Ohmigod. I heard about that.”

Sophia tapped the image. “You know him? Is his name Cole?”

The woman gulped, and her gaze flicked uneasily around the café. “I can’t—I can’t say anything. He’ll...”

“Has he threatened you?”

Tara shook her head vigorously.

“Hurt you?”

Again, she shook her head.

“What has you scared then?”

Tara snapped her eyebrows together. “You just told me he’s a killer. That’s why I’m scared.”

“I need you to tell me what you know, or we could do this at the police station. Your call.”

Licking her lips, Tara shook her head. “No, we can do this here. I want to help. I just... I’m scared he’ll find out it’s me.”

“His name, Tara.”

She lowered her gaze to the table. “He said his name was James. I can’t remember the last.”

“Does he live around here?” Sophia pressed.

Tara wrapped her arms around her waist and nodded. “Yeah, he does. He usually comes in for coffee when we open at 6:00 a.m. I typically work nights, but the girls often tell me when he comes in.” She rubbed a hand over her chest.

“Why would they mention that?”

Tara chortled. “’Cause he’s hot.” She glanced at Bella, who was studying her with large, interested eyes. “Sorry,” she mumbled, shifting her attention back to Sophia.

“Are you two a couple, Tara? You left with him Monday night.”

Tara’s leg bounced under the table. “Do I need a lawyer?” The question came out on a loose laugh.