“I’ve got Sophia out. She’s with Brooks—”
Dallas let out a sigh of relief. “Fuck. Not going to lie, I wasn’t expecting that.”
Cole ignored his brother’s comment. “I’m going back inside now.”
“I’m coming out the side entrance, east wall of the building. Meet me there.” Dallas disconnected and Cole followed his directions. Better not to go to the rear of the building if that’s where Adrian and his men would enter.
As he skirted the outside of the warehouse, dusk chewed up the clear sky. Using the earpiece, he instructed Dare and Nash to get back to their vehicles and wait for his cue.
They’d be pissed as hell when they found out what he’d done.
Oh, well. They were big boys now. Dallas would keep them in line.
Cole reached the side door as Dallas stepped outside. His twin’s face held more than a hint of resentment and a scowl so deep it appeared carved in.
He slipped the little black device into Cole’s hand. “Please tell me you’re not as stupid as I think you are.”
Cole shrugged. He hadn’t divulged everything to Dallas, but then again, he never needed to. While he’d never admit it, it was as if each had a part of the other’s brain. Being around Dallas was easy because less needed to be said and explained. It was just understood.
Which was why he’d asked him to run the errand that his other two siblings would have drilled him about.
“Are they in the conference room?”
Dallas shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded. “Yeah, I got out just in time. I spotted them through the glass. Looks like they’re ready for the rest of the sick fucks to show up.”
“All right. Nash and Dare are on their way back to the vehicles. Obviously they don’t know anything’s up. Gimme the go-ahead when you confirm everyone’s at their vehicles.”
Dallas gave another abrupt bob of his head. “Be careful, will ya?”
Cole lifted his mouth in a smirk. “Aren’t I always?”
Shaking his head, Dallas strolled away. “No, you never are. Asshole.” He disappeared around the corner of the warehouse and Cole waited outside, rocking his jaw.
Now all he needed was—
His phone went off again in his pocket. “Hello?”
“Pretty sure I just saw Adrian pull up,” Dallas said. “I’m going to walk around to the rear of the building.”
Agitation rippled along Cole’s shoulders. This was it. The moment of vindication for Sophia and Bella.
And for his brothers.
Everyone in Lionsgate needed to burn, and he’d make sure each and every one of them paid in the worst way.
“Yup, it’s him. Looks just like his picture. They went in near the loading dock.”
“Perfect. Shouldn’t take long for them to get to the conference room,” Cole mused.
Several beats passed. “I’m almost at the vehicles. I see Sophia in the front passenger of your car, and Dare, Nash, and Brooks are standing right outside.”
Cole’s chest tightened.
Sophia’s pretty golden eyes flashed in his mind. Regret made the cool plastic piece burn in his palm. Part of him wanted to say fuck it. Forget the stupid plan. But it was too late now. He’d never escape this life, and Sophia deserved to live freely and raise Bella without being questioned about her involvement with him.
Maybe she’d still get questioned, but at the end of the day, it wouldn’t matter. He wouldn’t be a threat to anyone anymore.
Least of all Sophia.