Page 3 of Ruined

He rolled his lips a couple of times. "You can talk to me anytime. There's nothing you could say that would shock me." A hint of a smile played around the corners of his mouth. "Bear in mind, I've had nineteen years of listening to the twins. I'm desensitised to shock value."

That got a smile from me.

"I'll bet. They seem to get great pleasure from trying to push the buttons of everyone around them."

"Especially mine," Reuben agreed. "Lucky for them they're both useful. Otherwise, I wouldn't keep them around."

"They would say otherwise," I said. "They'd probably say you keep them around because you love them or something." I couldn't resist the gentle tease.

"They would say that," he said. "I'll neither confirm nor deny the accusation."

He wouldn't, but I was certain he loved his brothers, and that was reciprocated. It was hard not to like Hunter and Parker. They could charm the pants off almost anyone. Anyone but me. They were also too wild and hotheaded for my taste.

Reuben placed a hand on mine and laced our fingers together. "I understand how difficult it is for you to trust anyone. Between our lifestyle and what that asshole did to you, I don't blame you for being guarded. Anyone would be. I hope someday you can come to trust me."

"I want that too," I said softly.

I knew what he was asking. It wasn't just about trust. He knew I was keeping secrets and he'd prefer I tell him before he found out some other way.

I'd do whatever I could to make sure he didn't find out from anyone else. As far as I knew, the only person alive who knew what I was, was Kurt. That was another on a long list of reasons why he needed to die. Not only because he might tell Reuben, but because he might reveal my identity to the world.

How many people would believe sweet Mina DiMarco was really an assassin?

Perhaps more than I'd like. Once everyone knew, I'd never get another job.

I was anxious to get back to work. I needed the money to help fund the search for Kurt. For that, I'd take on anything.

Almost anything. I'd never take a job that meant killing anyone who lived under this roof. Or any of my family members. Anyone else was fair game.

"Would you care to join me in the gym?" he offered. "I was headed down there when I heard you cry out." He squeezed my hand lightly.

"I'd like that," I said. "I need to build my muscles back up."

After so many years of disuse, I was weaker than I liked to be, my reflexes slightly slower.

I knew from the two people I killed a few weeks ago that I still possessed the ability to take a life, but I wanted my body to be quicker and sharper, like a knife. I had to be able to rely on it as well as any tool. I could not, would not screw up again. I needed to be even better than I was five years ago. If they thought the Sparrow was daunting then, they'd seen nothing yet.

"I'll see you down there." He leaned in to swipe his lips over mine.

Electricity crackled between us, so tangible I could almost see it. It could have set the whole city on fire.

He wanted more. If I let him, he'd press me down on the mattress and slide his cock into my pussy. He'd fuck me long and slow and thoroughly. When I was ready, that's what he'd do. As long as it took, he'd wait for me.

If I wasn't careful, I might just fall for him the way he'd already fallen for me.



Damon entered the kitchen, his eyes on his phone. He managed to navigate his way around the chairs and over to the electric kettle, without looking up.

"I know that face," Gianni remarked. He sat beside me, eating fruit loops and sipping coffee.

Damon glanced at him and frowned. "Yeah, it's the same handsome-as-fuck face I've always had."

Gianni grinned. "I meant the expression on your face, but that's true too."

"That he's a fuck face?" I said, deadpan.