Page 10 of Ruined

"The world doesn't need the one it has," Gianni said.

"We're doing the best we can to rid the world of him," Ric said. "But if he's hiring people to attack Reuben, that's concerning."

"We're starting to think his operation is bigger than first thought," Gianni said. "If he can afford to go around setting off bombs and sending mercenaries after us, then he's doing better than we knew about."

Ric's hands stilled. "That's why?—"

The door opened. "This is where you all are."

I froze like a proverbial deer in headlights when my sister, Rose, stepped through the door. She looked around the room before she noticed me sitting there. Her lips dropped apart.

"Mina?" She blinked a couple of times like I was a mirage that might disappear at any moment.

On unsteady feet, I stood.

"Yes, it's me." My lips moved, but I couldn't think of another thing to say. Then she moved towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

Unlike the hug from Daze, I melted into this one. I put my arms around my older sister and held her firm, like I could have five years worth of embraces in one.

"What in the world are you doing here?" she asked without letting go. "I thought you were…"

"I know what you thought." I rested my head against her shoulder. I'd forgotten how much taller than me she was. I was the shortest in my family, hence the nickname, the Sparrow. I'd always been dainty. I could fit into spaces others couldn't, and sneak around more silently than bigger people. Not to mention, who would suspect a tiny woman of killing people? It was the perfect ruse.

Daze scooted over to make room on the couch for Rose and me. My hands in my sister's, my voice soft, breaking occasionally, I told her everything. Not the part about being the Sparrow, but everything else.

She listened with growing horror, her blue eyes filling with tears for me. Every so often, she stopped me to give me a hug, before sitting back to listen.

"I had no idea," she said finally. She shook her head, her blonde ponytail swishing back and forth. We shared some facial features, but in colouring and body shape, we couldn't be more different.

The expression of fury in her eyes matched the one I saw in the mirror.

"I assume there's a long line to kill this prick?" she asked. "If so, I want in. I never liked him very much, but to do this to my baby sister…" She wiped away tears from under her eyes.

"There's definitely a line," Daze growled. "For the record, I had no idea what my fuckhead brother was doing. None of us did."

Rose glanced at her. "I know you better than to think you'd let it go on a second after you found out about it. No more than I would."

Daze nodded, but looked slightly relieved. There was always a chance Rose might have blamed her.

"I didn't know either," Ric said. "Not until…" He grimaced. "A few weeks ago."

Rose's scowl reminded me so much of our mother. "A few weeks ago? You knew what happened to my sister and didn't tell me?"

"I asked them not to," I said. "I wasn't ready to see any of you yet. I'm still not ready to see Dane or Asher."

"But they—" she started. She stopped when she saw the expression on my face. "Okay, when you're ready. What do you need from me?"

"Same as you've been doing," Ric said. "Keep your eyes and ears open. Make sure your contacts know we're looking for that asshole. The minute you do, we want to hear about it."

She nodded. "I can do that. That's not enough though." She shook her head. "No one gets away with doing what he did to my little sister. I'll put everything onto this and I'll be wherever Mina needs me to be."

She wiped away tears again. She'd already cried more than I had in years. She was efficient, and dangerous in her own way, but evidently she wasn't as cold-blooded as me.

Did I have a dark heart or was I dead inside? Possibly both. That would explain my attraction to Reuben and Gianni. Damon too. Like-minded people coming together.

"Thank you," I said softly. What else could I say? I glanced over to Daze. "You had no idea I was coming?"

It was Ric who answered. "If we did, we would have made sure Rose wasn't here." He ignored the way she bristled in response.