Page 50 of Cruel Knots

His mouth captures a nipple and sucks.

A haze of feverish heat envelops me, making me cling to him tightly. My back arches off the back, eager to take his relentless thrusts.

Damien’s cock grows thicker against my tight channel. The grunts and growls escaping him tell me he’s close to his release. The increased friction heightens my pleasure, making me clench onto him tighter.

“Fuck, Lucia! You’re mine!” he growls, plunging in hard and knotting deep in my core.

A massive orgasm bursts through me, blinding me to everything around me.

It’s a while before I come down from my high and become aware of the white-hot liquid running down my thighs. Damien hovers over me, watching me with an intent look in his eyes.

He pulls out gently and sits up straighter while I remain on the bed in a boneless heap. Satiated beyond my imagination, I simply watch him as he gets dressed.

“You need to get some rest,” he says in a cold, detached tone. “I’ll get you some food soon, so just get up and clean up.”

I shake my head and grab his hand. “Can you stay for a while longer? I might need you again.”

A grotesque expression comes over him but I realize it’s a look of amusement. “You’re overestimating yourself, Princess,” he says. “You’re barely able to keep your eyes open right now. Just close them and catch up on some sleep.”

A sigh escapes me. “Fine, I’ll rest but you can’t leave yet.” I have no idea where I’ve found the audacity to command this lethal, cruel alpha but my hold on his hand doesn’t loosen as I close my eyes.



My eyes open up to a strange ceiling, reminding me of the room Leon brought me into. I’d been so exhausted after engaging with Damien, I slept for the rest of the day and night.

Pushing myself to sit up, I gaze all around me. This is the first time I’m able to take a good look at my new prison.

Bright sunshine streams in through a single window, illuminating the modestly sized room. The walls are painted a simple beige. Even the blankets on the bed are plain white.

Even though this room is simple, it’s a hundred times better than the dark basement. The sunshine streaming through the glass panes seems like the most precious thing in the world to me right now.

I slowly climb out of bed and realize that my body isn’t aching as much as I’d expected it to. This must be another side-effect of my heat. My active hormones must’ve healed the soreness in my muscles, making me feel so much better than the last few days.

After a few minutes of exploration, I find a tiny closet-sized bathroom attached to the room. Yes, I cheer internally, relieved that I wouldn’t be forced to pee in a bucket again.

My pounding heart gradually calms down. I see a tray of food on the bedside table but I ignore it for now.

Moving toward the window, I fiddle with the latch. A smile comes onto my lips as it unlocks, allowing me to push open the panes.

Cold air blows in, playing with the stray strands on my forehead. My body shivers from the frigid air but I stand by the window, thoroughly enjoying the fresh air. My gaze roves over the distant hills and the thick woods that surround the vast grounds of the manor. Where exactly am I? I wonder, staring at the peaceful scenery before me.

My stomach groans, reminding me that I haven’t eaten a bite since yesterday. Hurrying toward the tray of food, I lift the lids from the bowls and see that someone’s left me bread rolls, a bunch of grapes, generous slabs of cheese, and thick slices of ham. A bottle of energy drink stands among them.

The spread is simple but enough to ignite a ravenous hunger in the pit of my stomach. Without wasting a second, I attack the food.

At one point, I choke on the bread and cheese but that doesn’t deter me. Grabbing the bottle of energy drink, I chug the beverage.

I feel several times better after the meal. A little more strength comes back to me, allowing me to notice a single pink pill on the tray. Picking it up, I see a familiar logo stamped on it.

A contraceptive pill for omegas, my mind whispers.

Relief floods my body at the sight of it. Without a thought, I grab the pill and swallow it.

Without this medication, I was risking a pregnancy. A sliver of gratitude flickers inside me. The rogue alphas who’ve captured me are at least showing me this mercy.

With nothing else to do, I move over to the bed and lie down. Closing my eyes, I try to go back to sleep but the thoughts churning in my head keep me awake.